
May 06, 2011 11:18

So the training is coming along in fits and starts. Was brought to a screeching halt by the bank holidays so close to each other and my inability to get to the gym so I just declared that week a skip week which has the hapy coincidence of bringing me to the same place my running partner is at in the our training programme...although she seems to be being a bit more diligent than me so is probably going to kick my arse on our 4 mile run tomorrow (ouch!). Although can I claim working all day in kids classes for the first time since I got back from maternity as some sort of reason for being pathetic at it? That and possibly (just possibly) the GIANT bar of chocolate I've just inhaled!

Doing a 3 mile run tonight before helping teach Tai Chi, happily enough at the same gym, so I can wander up after de-minging myself and it's not too much bother. Although going to take my arse straight to bed after I get home, not relishing going back to working Saturday mornings...especially as I seem to have been hoodwinked into thinking it was just for the summer and it seems to be that I'm doing it for the rest of the year at least! I'm especially not relishing it because Bean seems to be waking up at 5:30 at the moment and not going back to I tell you one day The Boy is going to receive a short sharp kick out of bed and a curt "Your turn" on a work day so he can get up, give her breakfast and get her ready for the day while I saunter nonchalantly downstairs 40 minutes later and sit watching him do it.

However no matter how tired I am, my latest birthday present from The Boy's parents has more than enough awesomeness to make me feel better! Queen's Greatest Hits I, II and III!!!!!!! Try feeling down singing Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of your lungs on the drive into work...or even better Flash!!!! Worth it for the Brian Blessed line alone!!!

Anyway, break's over, I'm going to go read some more of my Reality is Broken on my Kindle (ALSO a birthday present WOO). It's quite an interesting concept really, games are going to save the world. If you want it in a nutshell go watch:

which sums it up nicely for everyone. This woman is really influencing my work right now, and where I want to go with things. I also seem to be stalking her on the internet (in a non creepy way.....if it can ever be like that) in the sense that I'm following or an active member on all of her websites!

Anywhoo toodle pipski lovelies!
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