Dec 03, 2004 20:17
hola mi amigos. umm a lot to tell but i duno if i should... lol jk umm michael kubica and shelby broke up you probably all know, what u might not all know (well actually u probably do) is right after that he called bree tellin her he thought i was hot, and i was like FUUUCK thats kwl* lol but i duno i think h elikes bree everyone does but i mean i can just tell and its kinda annoying, like we got trashed on early realse with chris, cody, david, steven, michael, bree and me and like bree when chris wasnt in the room was all over michael and was like"if chris wasnt here i would so bang you right now" and i was like wtf?? and like i kissed michael but i duno ugh whatever i dont care lol i have a cheer comp tomarrow so i wanted to stay home and rest tonite but im goin to go bored ill ttyl guys latr ALSO i love all of u guys and miss my good friends... you kno who u r;)