Mar 13, 2005 01:04
lets seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
umm wednesday?
i sat at home most of the day and hung out with patrick and clint, and we went to the mall! and bough aviators for us to wear at coming home and school it was hell fun, but it was the day i hurt my back :-\ but i did sweet!
went to school,, umm it was hawaiian day,a nd me and pat wore our aviators for most of the day, and i sleapt, a lot in school. bc my back hurt and, then i went home and sat around then i called up ryan and patrick and we played some poker and i killed.
my back hurt tho, i dont know how long it will be for it to be back to normal, :-\
i went to school, and stuff, then i left early.. bc i can! :-P
and i sat at home.. then clint called me up and asked if we could go play some basketball at the rec, i thouht it was going to be fun, but it wasnt, we sat around, bc all the "sweet basketball players" hogged the courts and me and clint and bell wood sat around for a few hours, and lifted weights and stuff..
then we went to phils to hang out and play some poker bc pat and ryan went to the concert, w,o meeeeeeeeee. >:O
but that was cool i guess, i <3 hangin out with drunk college kids.
and nikki.. loll
i woke up at liek 10 30... >:O lol
slack and nicole, my two favorite people decided to call me and wake me up. lollll
then i took a shower and texted laura like 30 times lol
then pat came ocver and we hung out and my mom took some pictures and stuff, the clint came and we got some more, then we went to go to nicoles and they where being slow so we had to sit in the front of her house bc they wouldnt let us in!
but then they came out.. looking stunning as
but even more this time! if you can believe that..
and we got like 53840178 more pictures taken there.. loll
then we all left for some italian place?
john caminos?
hahaha i have no idea.
and we ate there and pat hays came, and we sat around and then we went to the mall!!! all dressed up!
it was awesome!, besides the flower falling off every five minutes, but slack put in on good. i think its still on there actually.. loll
then we finally went to the dance after we hung out at clints for a few mins.. ( who planned all this so early!?!?!)
and we went in and talked to some people for a while, and finally decided to start dancing,,,
and noone did for a long timeee, but pat got em started.. lol
so i spent most of the time walking around bc im a loser. and didnt have a date. lol
dang ittt
but it was cool tho.
then they randomly tried to hook me up with a wierdddd girl..
knowing them they probably gave her my sn..
lolll i hope not!
if they did im gunna have to put BOTH OF THEM IN THEIR PLACE
then we went to slacks and hung out for a while, it was ok, i got like a minute of sleep and pat jumped on me??
it hurt, and woke me up. then we left.
so here i am now. i called laura finally! ive been busy soo much loll
thats it, comment on my sweet weekend!
loll muahahaha!