We are going to Arkansas for a week! And I am so sick of getting an incredulous "Why the hell are you going THERE??!!!" from people who have never been there (which is almost everybody - almost everybody is incredulous and almost everybody has never been there).
I personally feel like I should at least try to get to know the country that I live in. And I recommend that others try other things besides the usual East/West coast enclaves too, and get off the beaten paths where everybody goes just because it's the hottest shit in town and everybody who is anybody is going there.
And Clinton library is NOT the only thing in Arkansas, and no, not every trip needs to be whatever-is-considered-culture/whoever-is-considered-an-interesting-person enriched. I plan to go with my friends and family and just enjoy pretty scenery (yes, AR does have scenery) and have silly conversations.
And I don't understand why oh so cultured people are not at least curious about the southern culture... Oh wait, I forgot, America does not have a culture.
This is not aimed at anyone in particular, the first 50 times people asked me why AR I tried explaining, after that I got sick of it.
UPD: Ok, if someone asks me why I'm going to Arkansas I'm not going to bite their head off and accuse them of anything, as long as the conversation is not along the lines of
this. This is vacation planning after all. But firstly, my job is very stressful right now, and thinking of Arkansas is my only ray of sunshine :), and secondly, more importantly, I hate, underline, really hate closed mindedness whether it's coming from someone conservative or someone liberal. And by the virtue of me living in California, I've encountered a lot of liberal closed-minded people lately and getting tired of it. I'm going to Arkansas to get my healthy dose of red-neck conservatism, so that I appreciate California more, that will be the reason I give people from now on :).