Jun 17, 2013 21:13
Most of my previous posts have been in the nice lock down section and I'm tired of looking at my old sales posts.
I need them there for feedback reasons but anyhow...
It shall be nice to have a little blurb up here from the most current world of mine and not one involving the past or drama or need of a lock for any reason. So, onwards~! I recently looked through my rarely touched handful of make-up and decided to try and learn a few things via the internet today. Things I keep forgetting (besides the usage of make-up itself) is that there is an expiration date to this stuff.
>m< Let's just say I got a few rejected materials from mother and the rest of it I bought at least 3 years ago.
Probably not the best stuff to keep now, yeah?
I thought so too.
And thus leads me to throwing out a majority of it and only keeping a few select things until I find substitutes. And by that I mean actually go out and buy new makeh-uppu. Weird. So very weird. I like, don't do the make-up thing really.
Go me for being bare faced for all twenty years so far. Heh heh, with a few days in between of doing eye make-up, that's about it.
I suppose it is about due time for me to run my make-up phase. Or actually learn to fancy myself up a ta more for adult like parties. Something to that degree I guess. Heh, I'm being really wishy-washy with the guesses here. I decide to end this little rant here then.