Nov 03, 2008 13:52
Since I woke up i've been deleting him out of my memory. On here and facebook and my phone. it'll be hard when I have to see him but I'll take that challenge when the time comes.
I don't know if it's cause I'm in a bitter mood and I'm deleting stuff but I am getting pissed off at people on here who I've had on my friends list now for long enough for them to reply to one of my posts but hasn't. it's just me replying to theirs.
I'm sick of being the person who makes the effort.
So it's time for a friends cut, which I've never done before so here goes, if you can not see my post titled "Has had it" then you have been cut. Sorry. If you feel like you still want to be friends just say and I'll add you back. But again like I say, I'm sick of making the effort and being the one left to hurt.