Dear Yuletide Author 2019

Oct 29, 2019 20:02

Dear Yuletide Author,

First off, thank you so much! I can't wait to read your story!

Everything below this point is completely optional (obviously) and just things I like to help you out. Please ignore anything you don't find helpful.

Do not feel limited by the characters I have selected. I picked them because I wanted the story to feature them, but use any other characters from the fandoms that you like. All these requests are fandoms I love and am familiar with all the characters from.

Please no het, thanks.

Dragonriders of Pern - Anne McCaffrey
I would most like a Alemi/Elgion story.  We never really get to hear about their relationship in the books becuase Elgion comes to Half Circle more or less as Menolly leaves it, so there are only tantalizing glimpses of their friendship. I would love to hear more about them getting to know and care about one another within the confines of the strict hold.  Happy ending please.

Dark is Rising Sequence - Susan Cooper
What I would most love is a post-series Bran/Will story. I know that Bran has forgotten the details of his adventures with Will, but the experience changed him nonetheless, and comes back to him in snatches in dreams. I like to think this would eventually lead him back to Will. Happy ending please.

The Chronicles of Chrestomanci - Diana Wynne Jones
I would love love love a Flavian/Mordecai fic. It's a relationship that isn't really explored in the lives of Christopher Chant, but from Flavian's reaction to Moredcai being found out, you can tell there are some deep feelings there.  Happy ending please.

Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie
I loved these books so much and the universe is so detailed and compelling.  I thought station was a really enjoyable, mischievous character with motives that were different and not always aligned with those of the other characters. I'd love something that explores the inner life of station.  What does it think of what happened on it in the books?  What was it's life like before? After?  Basically I would be happy with anything station-centric.

Best Yuletide wishes!

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