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Oct 09, 2005 20:25

you would were the blue kimono

What color Kimono would you wear?(anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Sininen kimono. Jei. Sopiiko sininen minulle? Eikö vihreä olisi paljon parempi, vai...?

Blank Mask

You've seen so
much and have been cut deeply while wearing a
mask, that you lost your sence of feelings.
People might see you as a lifeless and soulless
doll. You never say much which brings you away
from social life. Try telling your problems to
someone. It might seem hard but it helps a lot
and you will feel better afterwards. If you
can't say it personally to anyone, try saying
everything to a penpal.

How great is your mask?
brought to you by Quizilla

Jeah, jotain tyhjästä naamasta. Eikun maskista. Vai naamariako tuolla tarkoitetaan...?

Eheh, en tajua nyt yhtään mitään. Aikakin loppuu kohta. Sain Harun lukemaan Bleachia ja mennään tortaina katsomaan Haurun liikkuva linna <3 Elämä olisi ihanaa ilman sitä idioottimaista lakia.
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