
Sep 09, 2005 15:15

I have been silent on the hurricane issues, apart from commenting on a few boards, because I don't have a defined enough position to stake one out as clearly as Yi_Sen, Chrastan, or even Jatsu13 (albeit primarily in comments to others' boards). Like Jatsu, I have been consistent in placing equal if not greater blame on localities, as opposed to the White House. However, an old colleague just sent me a link to a devastating NYTimes staff op ed that I commend to others as an excellent companion indictment to "Magic Markers", which Jatsu13 put up and ABlueEyedBoy also has posted. This, I think, is the most stunning and blunt condemnation yet of the administration's role. It borders on unfair, but at this point, I'm not sure that the term has continuing meaning with respect to the people in charge of this recovery:


I welcome comments here and may, if the fancy strikes me, work is sufficiently abated, and Salsita is sufficiently unconscious, go on some rant about this whole thing likely to cost me Louisiana's electoral votes in 2032. We shall see.
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