Short Smut Story - Fallen

Aug 17, 2006 20:53

Title: Fallen
Author: R.L. Shephard, aka Madame Ruby
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Slash (guy on guy action!)

Summary: Angels are God's purest creations, but even they can be tempted. Demons exist to tempt both humans and angels, to lead them towards the truth, and descend into sin. Each demon does this in a different way...

That smell. There is something oddly appealing about it, and I just cannot get it from my mind; he smells of purity and innocence. While those qualities normally make me ill, I want to break him, to taint his blinding purity and shatter his frail innocence.

I want to make him fall. An angel, especially one so naive as he, simply begs to be tempted with the sinful pleasures of the flesh. It's undeniably arousing to lead one of God's perfect creations into damnation. In fact, just thinking about it is making me hard.

There is, however, one problem - that of getting him to come to me willingly. It's not like a demon can just waltz right up to an angel and not be stopped; I have to lure him, trick him, and seduce him. While it may seem like a difficult task, it's what we incubi and succubi are made for.

So, the hunt begins. In and of itself, stalking your intended target is a thrill all its own. You learn every intimate detail of the prey before pouncing on them. Naturally, this has its perks - such as seeing such a perfect body nude and bared for only myself to see.

It takes much restraint and patience for me to not go up to him right then and there to force my will over his, but I somehow manage to restrain myself. Sadly, I know that this cannot go on for too much longer. I must have him soon, or my hunger will start turning in towards my own sexual appetite. What a horrible way to die, really.

Surprisingly, it is he that steps forward to make the first move. He's noticed that I have been following him, and wants to know why. I smirk, deliberately baring my fangs just to let him know an inkling of what he is dealing with. I see that his beautiful hazel eyes widen slightly in surprise, while I find it ironic that he was not able to sense me for what I was in the first place.

"I see. I think I understand your mission more clearly now, demon. I will not be tempted by the likes of you." They are bold words, but his voice betrays his nervousness. I wonder if he has ever truly met with a demon before? From the way he is responding, my guess is that he has not.

"You understand nothing, lovely. Your god keeps you innocent and ignorant of what truly goes on in the world that He has created. I only offer you knowledge, as my master did to the first humans." Ah, the perfect words to grate on his nerves, to make him retort in anger and act on his passions.

As I expected, his beautiful face grows red in his anger, and he continues to argue what he believes to be the unabashed truth. "You offer me knowledge of what, demon? The knowledge of what it is to sin? I will have no part in learning such things."

He starts to turn away, but I grab his arm before he can leave. "Give me my chance to speak. Is that not what etiquette demands? If it turns out that you truly do not want to learn what I have to teach, then I will let you go, no questions asked. I only ask for my chance to at least start with what I would. Remember, you are actually in control, and I will stop at any time."

This perks his interest somewhat, but since he truly is naive and free of sin, he can have no idea what it is that I offer. He is as good as Fallen now. I pull him in for a chaste kiss - no different than the ones angels themselves give between each other - to lull him into a sense of security. "See? If my knowledge starts out as such, it cannot be so horrible, can it?"

"Do not lie to me. I listen, for now, because it is proper to do so." Once more, his arrogance amuses me. For being so ignorant, he certainly is sure of himself. I chuckle and run my fingers through his beautiful blonde hair. He will be even more gorgeous as a demon.

"Show me your wings..." The words came from both of us at the same time, which was admittedly a surprise. I stepped back a few feet and allowed my wings to show as he did the same. His were the absolute picture of what an angel's wings should look like - massive, pure white, and covered in luxurious feathers.

However, I was thoroughly amused at the look on his face as he saw my own wings. "You are a Fallen," he whispered, somewhat confused.

"I am, and that is exactly why I feel that it is so important to show you what it is that I know," I replied easily, moving closer and wrapping one wing around his body as humans would wrap an arm around a friend's shoulder. "Now, will you let me teach you?"

In his shock, he is far more compliant than he was before, which makes my job all the easier. My hands roam over his chest, taking off the simple tunic he wore so that I could lean closer and bite at his collarbone. Of course I draw blood, that's half the point; he has to feel how delicious it is for pain and pleasure to walk that fine line that brings him closer to an edge he's never been.

He whimpers ever so softly at the sharp pain, but I can feel his body shudder as I move lower down his chest, biting at random areas and soothing the same spots with my tongue. Finally, I hear him vocalize what he's been trying to hold back. It's small at first - one might even describe it as shy - but it quickly grows louder as I tease him even more.

"So, my lovely, do you still want to turn away and forego the knowledge I have to teach you?"

The way his face twists into confusion amuses me, and I can tell that his mind is far too muddled to think clearly. "I... I will not allow myself to be tempted," he panted breathlessly, stepping away and folding his wings around in front. It's a gesture meant to comfort himself, but it ends up doing just the opposite.

Much to my delight, he is shocked to see that his once pure white wings are now a dull silver. He could easily go back still, as the color would signify that he'd resisted temptation. But he truly is naive, and the way he reacts assures me that he is too afraid to return to such a sickeningly pure life after showing such an obvious taint.

"Well? Do you really want your fellows to see that you have neared a sinner - a Fallen, no less - and actually allowed yourself to be tainted?" The words play on his fears, inviting him deeper into sin, and deeper into my arms. I must have him; I hunger to taste his raw sexual energy once he allows it to be unleashed.

The taunt works, and he bares himself so that I can see him entirely nude. A satisfied grin appears on my face, and I pull him close into a winged embrace. "Worry not, lovely. We take good care of our own," I whisper, once more placing a gentle and chaste kiss on his lips.

This calms him down somewhat, and I am able to start touching every inch of him. I want to learn where he is most sensitive, to give him the best initiation I can. Of course, some of my eagerness is altruistic, but that's to be expected of any demon, whether Fallen or not.

Gradually, I reach down to stroke his erection. The responses from someone who has always been chaste and denied their sexual urges when this comes along is priceless; he groans quietly and bucks into my hand. I'm able to drink in the feeling of pure lust that he's radiating, and it is beyond exquisite to finally satiate my hunger for the first time in nearly a century.

"What is it that you think you want, lovely?" I ask him, brushing some hair from his face.

"More... I do not know what, but more," he whispers, and I'm all too happy to oblige to his request.

My hand moves from tucking stray blonde hairs behind his ear to resting on his lips. "Suck on them. Get them good and wet, because this is going to be the only lubrication you will be getting." It is something that he needs to get used to sooner or later, and it is probably best that his first time is like this.

Once my fingers are as slick as they are going to get, I pull them away and instruct him to turn around. My free hand strokes his wing, encouraging him to relax as the other pushes inside him. He is in pain, yes, but the gradual darkening in color of his wings ensures that, by this point, he is starting to crave it.

"Please, more," he whines, squirming delightfully as I press my fingers against his prostate. By this time, my own erection is begging to be freed and to find a place inside him. Thankfully, he is almost ready to be taken.

At last, I pull my fingers out of him and make my lovely kneel down in front of me. Baring my arousal from its tight confines is a relief, and I quickly instruct the Falling to suck on it so that I can find my release deep inside of him.

He is obviously new to the action, but his eagerness makes up for a lack of skill. If it were not so important that I come inside him, I might let him finish me off like this. At the very least, I do not have to wait for too long before I am fucking him.

The act is quick, brutal, and almost bestial in nature. Being far more inexperienced, he reaches orgasm a few minutes before I do, and whimpers as I relentlessly batter his insides. By the time I am done with him, his wings are as pure a black as my own, and he is begging in hunger for more.

As I look into his eyes, I smirk. He is an incubus, like myself, and it seems almost natural that I should keep him around. "Come, lovely. I still have much to teach you."

He is all too eager to follow, and to please. It should be quite fun to be the one to teach him the pleasures and sins of the flesh.

slash, original, smut, fiction

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