Mar 17, 2006 13:34
This month had it's bad things and it's good things as well.
Even thou I realize that for some people friendship means hit, I have realize as well that here in my island I have great friends and that still I have some left in the state. I meet this awesome guy at the beggining of the semester and now we are dating. I never imagine that it would lead to this, I just expected something quick and no compromise at all from his part, so that was the way I took it. I guess he realized how afraid I was of getting involved again and he have gotten under my sking in a very subliminal way. I wasn't able to prevent it or even notice it until it was too late LOL. I still have to deal with my fears and with my trust problems but instead of getting anoyed by it, he treats it with a great amount of patience. So officially it is a relationship but knowing me as well as he do he takes great deal of care of taking things slowly, we are together, we only date us and he is always paying attention to me and instead of hitting me with the news of "do you wanna be my girl"and shit like that he just drop the lines one by one on different ocations. It is something that happen when I less expected and from who I less expected but I'm not complaining. He is smart, funny and serious when it is needed, but most of all and the most important of all, he makes me feel like I'm the only one in the world, he pays attention to me and Carla's time is Carla's time, he don't ignore me because politics (even thou he can be pretty political) he do not insult me or yell at me or hit me. He treats me like an equal and respect my opinions, if he differs he do not impone himself he talks about it. My job here is awesome and school is good. My family is great.. I can't complain. I just feel not sad not bad but intrigued by the people that have desided to eat from my crumbles..