(no subject)

Dec 26, 2006 19:10

Merry Christmas, everyone! And happy Hanukkah! :D

*listens to fantastical shiny new purple Mp3 player* And I got an easel and all sorts of artsy stuff! Hurrah!

Christmas Day was muchly good. I feel for everyone who has to put up with all their extended families. We just have Nana and Uncle Ian come up for the day :) It's nice!

We all ate too much though... :P

Sarah got her own digital camera, and so she has spent the last day and a half taking photos and videos of everyone and everything :P 'tis becoming annoying...

It got to a grand total of 11 degrees celcius at my house, and for most of the day it was only 6 degrees. *freezes* And it rained all day too! Hurrah! Coldest and wettest Christmas I've ever had!

My Aunty Carol, who is currently living in London, texted mum in the evening saying "It's 5 degrees here!" Mum replied, "Well, it's only 6 degrees here!" :D Coldness!

4 days 'til LorF/Ober meet! *is too excited for words* :D :D :D :D

family, weather

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