I'm back!

Apr 08, 2012 13:46

Yikes it's been eons. Been super busy but going to post now.

I'll skip the boring bits and just brush on things that have happened since it really has been a crazy year.

First off, my prayers and well wishes to uneide She's going through a super tough time. It's personal so I'll leave it at that. You know that if you ever need a helping hand just give me a shout.

Along those lines I've had family members in and out of the hospital. The scariest was with my aunt. She's back home now but it's been quite some time and she's still only running at about 60% of what she was before.

My house is up for sale now. I hope to sell it soon but need to sit with the real estate agent and determine if we should wait (in which case I'll see about renting it out) or just keep going as we have been.

Looking for a new job now. The contract I had with one company is up and honestly I want somewhere where there's better work ethics from their employees and staff and pays more or at least has benefits. Anyhoo so on the hunt now officially.

Need to sell a lot of my clothes, dolls and whatnot. I still have items from older sales posts so will relist those but moving to a smaller place means need less stuff. I'm selling some Brand Lolita items (Metamorphose, Angelic Pretty, BTSSB and a few others) and a number of MSD, SD and YoSD sized dolls and accessories. I'll post about them separately though.

Lastly, I've been eating junky food since Christmas and it's caught up to me. I felt crappy and overall my health wasn't great. I got sick, continually felt under the weather and generally not in good form. So I'm on a nice cleanse since last week. Already I'm sleeping better and more productive and feel loads better. I'll likely be on it another 3-5 weeks for full long lasting effects. It's pretty much like a liver detox, no glutens, no refined carbs (very few carbs really but not cut out entirely) lean meats and fishes and lots of raw and organic veg. So if I turn down the chance to eat out with you, it's likely because I can't eat a lot of foods. I can do sushi (I just order some sashimi and seaweed salad) but not a heck of a lot of other stuff.

Otherwise I've been working on the Wicked Details blog with kurasune and the next post is due up within the next day or two (just waiting on a few pics from the cam-cam) and living out of suitcases while everything is packed up. That's about it though....so no need to ramble on. 
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