I'm sure there are a billion blog posts out there, but really to all my Canadian friends please do read up at least on the basics of this Federal election, and please vote. I myself am not typically hugely into politics but I've been following for a few months now at the very least (if not longer) and I believe it's your responsibility to be aware of the issues going on and to vote. That being said, it can be such a pain to wade through all the issues and figure out what's been going on if you've been out of the loop.
Please note that I do not like the current conservatives, and I really dislike Stephen Harper. While I try to present a relatively unbiased viewpoint i'll be the first to admit that I won't post much (or anything at all) that paints the last Conservative Government (aka the Harper Government) in a positive light. Remember that this was the man who said that Canada didn't need any economic safety plan when the world was spiraling into a global recession. Anyways without further ado, some articles to provide some food for thought.
This article recaps the major issues that the Tories have chalked up during their term as the official governing party of Canada:
http://rabble.ca/news/2011/01/ten-reasons-oppose-harper-candidate-your-riding Please don't forget that Harper is the first Prime Minister to ever be found in contempt of Parliment...that in and of itself should speak volumes about his leadership. I just think for a party that platformed it's way into government on accountability, transparency and anti-corruption they sure look like they have a pretty hypocritical leader. I'm sure that the Tories could pull up someone better. It's like the Republicans down south...they have some real crazy ones that push all their more moderates to abandon the party. If they stuck to more reasonable logic and politics they'd be much better off. Let's hope that the Tories here don't get that bad.
Another article that interests me is this one that theorizes that Harper can't even run.
http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=1980 And one other pet peeve I have is smear and attack ads and platforms. Harper and admittedly Layton are both doing this, duking it out here in Vancouver. Michael Ignatieff is playing it smart and not getting into the finger pointing and name calling fray much like his predecessor. I rather liked Dion and the fact that he tried to talk about the issues rather than pointing fingers.
http://cornwallfreenews.com/2011/03/green-attack-ad-hitting-harper-where-it-hurts-by-richard-komorowski-march-12-2011-cornwall-ontario/ http://www.raesidecartoon.com/blog/stephen-harpers-attack-ads/ However I doubt the Liberals will stay out of the attack ad fray. After losing last election, they'll probably join in this time - I suppose the thought is that if they don't they'll lose whatever following they do have. I suppose for those who aren't keeping up with politics that the attack ads undermine confidence but I still wish they'd quit it.
http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/954917--new-liberal-attack-ads-target-harper-s-contempt-for-canadians Either way, the Liberal Leader isn't the best that the party has seen in it's past, but given the alternatives currently I think he'd be better than what we've got.
http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/927316--travers-attack-ads-expose-deepest-harper-fears And this article pretty much sums up a lot of my thoughts :)
http://www.vancouverobserver.com/blogs/centrist/2011/03/01/tea-party-north Seriously though. I just shake my head at the antics. I've done my research and I pretty much know already where my vote will be going in May. I just wish the personal attacks would end sooner rather than later....