I'm back!

Oct 28, 2010 09:32

I'm back (as the title says lol). I had a really nice relaxing time in Hong Kong and Tokyo this time around though my mother certainly kept me on my toes. Wow she loves to shop. I must say that I did a fairly good job in keeping her purchases down and reasonable for the most part (though she did slip away one morning to do some errands and came back with several pricey name brand handbags and shoes - d'oh!). I mostly met up with family and family friends which was nice and made the trip much less of a rush since we only really went to meet up with people rather than take others on a whirlwind tour of all the big name tourist spots. Also made for easier going when I wanted to stay somewhere and wander about and explore. Unfortunately I didn't remember to bring my camera so all I have are a few iPhone photos and those are mostly food photos XD (yay food porn!). I'll get around to eventually posting those.

Now that I'm back I have to start the job hunt. My old work still has me going in and doing things for them (not sure if I'm being paid for those things but we'll see). I took this last week to sort through things and get my room in order (I came home with 3 weeks worth of laundry and then more laundry I didn't get done on top of that and all the clean laundry exploded on my floor) and update my resume and cover letters (yup I write a different one for every application I do). I'm going to be applying to several posts at UBC - better hours (i.e. M-F 9-5 for the most part) great benefits and best of all...I don't have to take the work home with me!!!! I might have to take a slight pay cut (down to just under 40k) but the reduction of after/before hours calls and all the extra work will also be gone. My weekends will be real weekends. It's funny that although I've been laid off from my old job I still get phone calls during the day and evenings to do things.

Anyhoo I hope to catch up with a few people. I have a few small giftages for family and close friends - since I'm out of work and now flat broke I'll be making X'mas and any other b-day gifties.

On another front, I've started sketching and writing a little again. Did some crafty sewing stuff to help some friends so I hope to be back on track with that as well. Now that I have a life again and time to actually do things rather than slave away for work 6 days a week at all hours of the day, I'll be getting back into my regular routines - eating properly, exercising properly (and gah need to loose that 15 lbs I put on since I started working at the office back in Jan) and also planning extra events again.

For my lolita friends - yes I did buy a bunch of lolita over in Tokyo, mostly from Closet Child except for socks. I'll post photos of stuff once I'm done clearing out my room. My closet is now pretty full and I'm finally getting around to tossing old ratty clothes out and making room for the new lolita and new work clothes I bought. Anyhoo there's some lolita I havenn't even worn so soonish I'll be posting sales on the comms but anyone who wants something from me can have first dibs

For my dolly friends - I think my Unoa Zero has arrived. I was expecting her in Sept but she arrived the day I got back and has been waiting patiently at the post office lol. At least I think it's her. Anyhoo like everything else I'm going to be doing some cleanup and getting rid of things I don't use at all. DoA will likely get the brunt of stuff but locals and friends will get first dibs :)

PS - yllyor: gonna try calling you sometime this weekend. I tried emailing and IMing but not sure if they're getting through >.
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