The one with back to uni

Sep 27, 2006 11:38

Well I am back at uni now and I'm SO happy. I love having something to do that I actually enjoy, and that works my mind instead of just lolling around all day doing sweet F.A. So yea that's good. And there's loads of hot guys this year, lol! These past two days have been a bit of a reveltation to me, I feel confident and sexy, and that doesn't happen often without alcohol! So yea, all good.

I'm still missing Paul.

Family life is getting unbearable. My brother is a total fucking dickweed, telling my mum shes a "fucking disabled bitch". Apparently, I look like the exorcist, my dad is a weak man and a dog... My sister is smashing her head against walls and shit. So yea, all that's not good. But yea, I'm still happy because of uni so that's all good.
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