
Apr 20, 2011 16:34

at 16mo and 3 weeks Riley has developed an attitude. You can call it "terrible twos" but I'm hoping it's just a stage. Yesterday when Nana steered her away from the dog eating his food, she absolutely broke into a high pitch scream... and that turned into a "hurt cry". Her incision is still so tender and it hurts her to sneeze, cough, or cry. I wish I could explain to her that crying and screaming will hurt her more, but it's impossible. It is so frustrating for the both of us. So when she has a fit, she ends up crying twice as much because of the sternum and incision. :(
She also has about 10 new words she learned this week including : thank you, Elinore, Elinore's Girl, bird, pat the cat, ouch, ouchies, meow meow, Nana, down (to be continued) most everything is ::points:: THAT!
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