Will write fic for Vampire!Meloni; also a request for Sherlock prompts

Jun 08, 2012 22:15

ETA: Ooops, left out one kind of crucial detail. :sigh: This is what happens when I'm rushing to get something posted before my connection goes out. What should have been in here somewhere is that, if some kind person out there would supply me with copies of Meloni's True Blood episodes, I will write you a fic of your choosing. Sorry for the mix up.

I tried to hold out against the idea of Chris Meloni on True Blood. Awhile back HBO had one of their free sampler things going and one of the things I checked out was the first two episodes of True Blood...and it really didn't do anything for me. (OK, truth: I went in expecting not to like it as I had tried to read the first book in the series and took such an instant dislike to Sookie that I couldn't finish the story.) The photos and clips I've seen of this upcoming season, though, yeah, I'm caving. :)

The power of the Meloni is still strong, you know? Plus there's the deal with how once upon a time I had a couple of ideas sketched out for Keller-is-a-vampire.

I can offer nothing in exchange except perhaps a fic of your choosing.

Also, if I were to feel the urge to try my hand at some BBC Sherlock, would anyone be inclined to toss a prompt or two my way?

Thank you!

bbc sherlock, christopher meloni, true blood

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