One last thing of the utmost importance (no, really) and then I shall quietly go away

Jan 31, 2012 22:49

Once upon a time I wrote fanfics that well and truly warranted an NC-17 rating. A few of them even earned some praise.

At some point, however, I just ... burned out. Not even sure why. Those scenes were always my least favorite part to write but I could knuckle down and do them. And then I stopped. Didn't even try to get past a PG-13 rating for ages.

I had thought it was tied up with my general Oz burn out, and that was the start, but it's several fandoms later now and I still can't achieve more than a mild "R"--and I do mean mild. And no, there is nothing wrong with that. 99.9% of the time I am quite content with being all about the romance and fading to black at the bedroom door.

This is that rare .1% time, however, when I would really like to go that extra step and at least earn an MA-14 rating. Heck, I would be thrilled to achieve something on a par with a daytime soap's "sexual situation."

Anybody have ideas, suggestions on how to fix this? (And no: Copy-and-paste a scene from one of my pre-existing fic and just change the names is not an acceptable answer. Yes, for one fleeting moment the thought did cross my mind.) :so embarrassed:

writing sex scenes

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