Some things can only be expressed thusly:

Jun 03, 2011 14:37

The details don't matter now, but I'll just say that for the last couple of months my brother and I have had a sort of Sword of Damocles hanging over us. It's been lifted, hopefully for good, although a lot of that may depend on the level of malevolence residing in a certain third party.

There are very few people in this world toward whom I harbor any ill will, but this person -- yeah, they're down in my book.

Anyway, onward to random happier things.

This post was briefly interrupted so I could pop outside and see what all the ruckus was. Seems one of the local ravens decided to stop in one of our big pine tree, where some robins have a nest (I know of the nest only because of finding hatched eggs scattered on the ground; it is extremely well hidden). No idea how ravens and robins ordinarily get along, but it would appear that when little robins are perceived as being menaced by a big old, nasty raven, all hell will break out, with the robins winning the day.

End of wildlife report.

*My obession with all things Superman and Batman has led to me loving Young Justice, on the Cartoon Network. It's sort of a Teen Titans reboot, I guess, and a good way to get clued in about some of the characters/storylines that have been going on while my comic book love was on hiatus. I'm starting to get a handle on Superboy, for instance, although not quite why Clark has a problem dealing with him. (Well, you know, other than that the poor kid's half-Luthor. Ick. I much prefer this fic by mithen, Paternity.)

The real draw, though, is that Superman and Batman, and other JLA members, appear to turn up in the thing pretty regularly, and so far they've been the versions I grew up with. Flash is Barry, Kid Flash is Wally, Black Canary's around (although her fishnets are gone), Green Arrow and J'onn J'onz have been sighted, and Robin is Dick Grayson!

Of course it doesn't hurt that Clark and Bruce, and Superman and Batman, look really good in this series. Definitely in line with how they look in my head.

*Baseball. As amazing as the Rox were in April is how dismal they were in May. What will June bring? If it brings Aaron Cook back to the mound, and he stays healthy, it could mean the start of good things. One can only cross one's fingers.

*My adventures in grilling are at an end, I believe. At least, I plan on being deathly ill when the next such event rolls around. (Picture someone -- me -- with a deathly fear of fire, standing before a big ass grill, trying to flip burgers while simultaneously screaming like a little girl and jumping backward at every flame shooting up as fat sizzles and stokes its unholy life. Not a pretty sight.)

*My camera appears to have been dealt one whump too many, and has subsequently died. :(

Wellllll... It wouldn't function correctly. I had to whump it. Whumping worked, too. For a little while. Until it didn't anymore.

*I also broke my stapler. Although in this case it wasn't precisely whumping involved. More like thwacking this time. As in, "Damn stapler won't work. thwack thwack No, that didn't work..."

(Look, it's not my fault. I inherited this from my dad who could break the unbreakable without even trying. Although I suppose a case could be made that I have some kind of anger management problem regarding inanimate objects.)

*Goals for the weekend:

1. Write, write, write some more.
2. Try desperately not to get stories and characters confused.

<--has nightmares of completing massive fic-writinhg marathon, only to discover everyone's mixed up, and Agent Pendergast is making out with Batman while Superman's with Dr. Watson, and Sherlock Holmes and Vincent D'Agosta romp around; God only knows where Richard Jury, Melrose, Steve and Danny, and Philip Marlowe would wind up

superman, batman, real life, violence against household appliances, writing

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