Dear Yuletide Author,

Nov 14, 2010 13:36

I'm fairly easy to please. A common theme to my requests, excepting one, is that they're set during the holidays. I love Christmas stories, all schmoopy and angsty, with snowy landscapes and carols playing.

Plots don't have to be anything elaborate. Three of my requests involve fandoms that do revolve around solving mysteries, but having the heroes unwinding at the end of a case would be fine, and in fact, highly desirable. I adore angst, but as a flavoring, not just misery for the sake of it. Hurt/comfort always makes my toes toes curl, especially scenarios where one partner is tending to the other as a result of illness or injury.

Ratings are up to you. Generally speaking I'm not crazy about NC-17 material, but I do like sexy/steamy. UST is fine too. Subtle touches can speak volumes, after all.

Squicks: Incest, rape/non-con, S&M, anything at all sexual and/or violent involving children, ditto animal abuse.

And I'm not really big on crack!fic.

Now for a few more fandom specific things...

Something I've missed in the last couple of books is Pendergast showing up in disguise, so that's something I'd love to see, preferably with Vincent running into him in the process.

I'm all caught up on the series-so-far, so no need to worry about spoilers. If you want to go AU with some things, feel free. Same with anticipating the next entry in the series.

My OPT pairing there is Pendergast/D'Agosta. Bromance with them could be fine, too. If you could keep Laura Hayward and Constance completely out of the picture, I would love it dearly.

Something I loved in The Blue Last was Richard having Christmas dinner at Ardry End, and then staying the night. It was perfect. Except for everyone else in Long Pidd being there, *g*, and then Richard being called away in the middle of the night. So something where it's just him and Melrose, no untimely interruptions, would be a pleasure.

Or, Aunt Agatha is intent upon intruding, but Ruthven's running interference.

Basically, though, Richard + Melrose, slash, or something more in the bromance line. Preferred locale(s): London or Long Pidd.

I'm up to book four in their series, To Darkness and to Death, so you might keep major spoilers in mind (although I am already spoiled for the Thing that happens at the end of All Mortal Flesh).

With them, I would just love one of those moments they have where they connect and enjoy each other's company. If things were to steam up just enough to fog Russ's glasses, *g*, that would be no bad thing.

Honestly, I'm not sure exactly what I'd like with this one. Well, something Conway/Mallinson (and please, go with the book here, not the movie where they were supposed to be brothers), either while still in Shangri-La or during their departure. The book pretty well leaves what happened during that part up in the air, after all. If you could have Conway go back and find Mallinson, and pull off a happy ending, that would be quite wonderful.

Anyway, those are some ideas. But the ball is ultimately in your court. Thank you very much in advance.

yuletide treasures

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