Springtime in the Rockies -- whee

Apr 29, 2010 10:16

In the interest of disclosure: I brushed the snow off the poppy, because otherwise the poor thing would not have been at all visible.

At least yesterday's hellish wind has stopped at last.

I let the cats out for a little while, but the wind just made it intolerable to be out there, what with it flinging around pieces of lumber and making it rain down tree branches (having been previously bonked on the head by one of those, I was not inclined to repeat the experience). So I'm rounding up furballs, with part of the process taking me outside the fence, along this narrow footpath -- fence to my right, shallow-but-rock-filled ravine to my left -- and with the powerful gusts at my back it was all I could do to not get knocked off my feet and fall down the ravine. In no way am I a size zero, but I spent a minute or so clinging onto that fence for dear life.

And then, of course, I look around, and the furry culprit I was pursuing has circled back around and is back inside the yard, watching my predicament.
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