Music rave, and other stuff

Feb 29, 2008 11:30

If you love classical music, and more importantly if you have one of those computers that actually works and lets you do cool stuff, go here, Great Performances, and watch the New York Philharmonic concert from North Korea that aired on PBS last night. You will not be sorry. Highlights for me were Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 "From the New World", Bernstein's Candide, and the orchestral arrangement at the end of a Korean folksong that was just beautiful.

I've always had a soft spot for the New York Philharmonic in particular, since that's the orchestra, under the direction of Bernstein, that exposed me to classical music in a big way, through Bernstein's Young People's Concerts that used to air on CBS on Sunday morning. (And how cool is this? Just found that some of those are available on DVD now, Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts. Nothing I will ever be able to afford, but it's wonderful to know they survive.)

Five questions from maisfeeka :

1. What is your favorite book at the moment?

Hmm, that's a tough one. My number #1 favorite from last year was And Only to Deceive by Tasha Alexander. Just utterly fell in love with the characters, and have been itching to sit down and read it again almost since I finished it the first time, and am immensely eager to get my hands on the next one in the series. So far this year, I suppose my pick would be Agnes and the Hitman by Jennifer Crusie & Bob Mayer.

2. What was your favorite childhood book?

Now this one's easy: Horton Hears a Who. I must have checked that one out of the library thirty times, I loved it so much. Yes, Cat in the Hat & Green Eggs and Ham are no doubt way cooler, but there's something about Horton and his "A person's a person no matter how small" philosophy that touched me and made me love him. Think I wanted to be Horton when I grew up. LOL

3. If you could have one wish, what would it be?

Ohhhh, only one? There's a lot I wish for, but if it had to be narrowed down... Personal peace. To be centered and calm, and everything quiet so I can think again, and write again, and enjoy life again. So, hmm, actually guess my one wish would be for the cats to poof disappear, leaving not a trace behind, or even a memory of their ever having been here.


Yep, that'd be good.

4. If you could do anything you wanted for one weekend -- no repercussions, money no object, sky's the limit -- what would it be?

Go somewhere I've never been. Ideally that would be England, but two, or even three days, would hardly allow much time to experience anything. So ... maybe New York? And just take in the sights and sounds, go to the art museums, Central Park, go look at the HiSoc boy's house in Washington Square. LOL

5. What first hooked you on Beecher and Keller?

The laundry room scene. I didn't even know who they were, and thought they were a well-established couple already, the chemistry between them was so dynamic. Discovering what was really going was something of a rude surprise, but I always went back to that first impression, trusting what it told me no matter what cockamamie storyline Tom Fontana tried to make me swallow. And you know, it wasn't even that first kiss. It was the ... sense of them being together, being there for each other, the relationship that hooked me and kept me invested -- keeps me invested after all this time.
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