Melt In Your Mouth, 1/1, Rated R

Feb 18, 2008 14:58

Title: Melt In Your Mouth
Subject: B/K, canon based
Disclaimer: Tom Fontana owns them, I just let them have more fun.
Warnings: None. Except that it hasn't been beta'd.

Summary: In some slightly happier version of Oz, the boys enjoy Valentine's Day...

~Melt In Your Mouth~

“Lights out soon,” Chris said from his position on the
bottom bunk, stretched out comfortably with his hands
linked behind his head. “Better brush your teeth.”

Toby gave him a thoughtfully dubious look, and not for
the first time. Keller’d had this enigmatic air about
him, like the cat who’d gobbled up the canary, ever
since their pod door slammed door, and Toby still
hadn’t worked out what he could be up to. Still, as he
let his gaze slide admiringly over the magnificent
body so blatantly on display, all his instincts
assured him he was going to enjoy the reveal. The way
the corners of Chris’ mouth curled upward, well aware
of was being ogled and in no way objecting, seemed to
strongly support that inference.

He was just rinsing out his mouth when the lights went
out as predicted, and he felt Chris glide up behind
him as he straightened up. “So,” Toby set his
toothbrush on the shelf, sighing hands slipped around
his waist, one stroking up to his chest, “are you
going to tell what’s going on?”

“Mmm,” Chris murmured against his ear, tongue flicking
against it. “Going on?”

Toby sighed again and leaned back against him, moaning
softly as Chris rubbed a nipple through the thin
cotton of his green t-shirt. “You’re up to something.”

Chris caught an earlobe between his teeth, nibbling a
moment before nuzzling along to the nape of Toby’s
neck. Chest heaving with a contented sigh, he rubbed
his cheek against Toby’s hair, watching their
reflected image in the shadowed, water-spotted mirror.
“You have a very suspicious mind, Toby.”

Equally riveted to the display in the mirror, watching
Chris leisurely caress him, kiss his throat, Toby was
finding it increasingly difficult to stay on topic.
“So you’re,” oh, that was nice, “you’re not up to

In the mirror, Chris’ smile grew about huge. “Well, I
didn’t say that,” he whispered, voice rough, eyes dark
with passion. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

Oh. He hadn’t even noticed the date. It was just
another day in Oz.

Toby drank in their reflection, Chris holding him
tight, and reached up to cradle the back of Chris’
head, fingers digging into short, dark hair. “Keller,
you are such a sap,” he said, and then instantly
regretted the words as he watched a guarded,
self-conscious expression come over Chris’ face, felt
him start to pull away. “But I love that about you,”
he added, hoping Chris would feel the truth in the
hastily spoken words.

After a long hesitation, Chris did relax against him
once more, most of the caution easing out of his face.

Toby turned to face him, drawing him close for a kiss
that, he hoped, would communicate his feelings much
more clearly. “Yeah,” he breathed as they came up for
air, the dazzled look on Chris’ face confirming Toby’s
tongue had proven far less clumsy in this instance.
“We okay?”

“Oh, fuck yeah,” Chris said, hands stroking along
Toby’s shoulders, down his ribs, setting on his hips.
“Gotcha something.”

“I noticed,” Toby said, hips pressing into him.

Hands shifting to Toby’s ass and keeping him there,
Chris asked, “Sure you want it?”

Kneading the small of his back, Toby smirked and dared him, “Bring it on, baby.”

“Gotta close your eyes and do as I say,” Chris said, teasing him out some more.

Toby gave him a stubborn look, more to prolong the anticipation than borne of any real desire not to comply.

Chris brushed his hand down Toby’s face, over his eyelids. “Close ‘em,” he commanded, voice a raspy whisper against his ear. “And come here.”

Toby went where Chris guided him, legs bumping into the edge of the bunk, Chris steadying him and then easing him down on the thin mattress.

“No peeking.”

“I’m not peeking.” He was wondering what the hell Keller was rummaging around for, though.

Whatever it was, he must have located it, because that rough voice was back at his ear, asking, “Ready?”

“You have to ask?”

He could almost hear Chris smile. He definitely felt him brushing a finger back and forth across his lips. “Open your mouth.”

Now they were getting somewhere, Toby thought, and parted his lips, not sure what he was expecting -- only that he hadn’t quite been prepared to feel something firm, yet soft and creamy, too, pressed against his waiting mouth.

“Bite it,” Chris whispered.

He bit, and a flood of decadently rich, lusciously dark chocolate filled his mouth. “Oh my god…”

“Like it?”

Toby opened his eyes now, tugging the rest of the piece from Chris’ fingers, licking those fingers so as not to waste one sweet morsel. “Chocolate,” he moaned, savoring the lingering taste on his tongue. “You got me chocolate.” Real, beautiful, exquisite chocolate, and he gazed with a sense of awe at the heart-shaped, red fabric-covered box sitting between them on the bunk. Pushing the lid aside, he discovered fourteen more piece of heaven nestled there. “Where did you get this?”

Chris replied with a diffident shrug, at odds with the way he beamed with pleasure at Toby’s enjoying the gift. “Did some wrangling. Is it the good kind?”

“Godiva? Yeah, that’s a good kind.” Mouth practically watering, Toby plucked another piece from the box. “We’re sharing these, right?” he asked -- and too impatient to wait for an answer, put the piece to Chris’ lips, commanding, “Bite.”

Avid gaze riveted to the sight of Chris sinking white teeth into the chocolate, Toby licked his lips. “Good?”

Chris chewed, swallowed. “Good, yeah,” he said, and dragged Toby to him, one hand tangled in his hair as they kissed, chasing the taste of chocolate on each other’s tongues.

A sharp bang on the door made them separate, Chris quickly hiding the candy as Toby cast a resentful look over at the hack shooting them a look of stern warning. Before looks could turn into action, however, Toby scrambled up to his own bunk and stretched out there. He could still taste the chocolate, still taste Chris, on his lips, and he focused on that until the hack finally went on his way.

When they were alone in the dark once more, he leaned over the side. “Chris, did you know the melting point of chocolate is around ninety-four degrees?”


He grinned in the dark. “Our own body heat is enough to melt it. I’m just saying,” he added and settled back down, hands folded over his stomach, and laughing to himself as a suddenly enlightened, “Oh,” drifted up from below.


fic: oz - canon, fic: valentine's day

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