Me - 0; the Cats - 2

Feb 08, 2008 14:19

Yesterday the cats tried to kill me again.

In the midst of what had been a crummy week (major phone problems since last Friday, culminating at last in a line that was either completely dead or filled with nothing but crackling static; plus a plugged water line that only announced itself when I did a load of laundry and water sprayed out all over the the hot water heater enclosure) I decide to bake some cookies yesterday. There's nothing else to do after all, with no computer access because of the telephone trouble, and no television to watch because the new TV mostly resides in the brother's closet, and what could possibly go wrong with baking cookies?

Well, this: I decide to get a book from my room to pass the time while the cookies bake, and am trying to exit my room, book in hand, while avoiding the furballs that are constantly huddled there, rushing at me everytime I open my bedroom door. (And did I mention the hallway is very dark? With a bookcase to my right, and some laundry on the floor to my left, due to the laundry fiasco?) Yeah, I put a foot wrong, trying to avoid stepping on kitties, trip, and fall, and wind up with a very sore and bruised left shin and knee, and a somewhat sore right hip which I must have whammed against the bookcase going down. For a time I thought I'd bammed my head too, but now suspect that was just part of the general shock and upset, increased by obsessing about what if there had been a real medical emergency and I couldn't call for help because the phone was on the fritz.

So, yeah, that was Thursday.

On the bright side, it looks like cookie batter keeps in the fridge okay. And if I had to hurt my leg, at least it was the left one that is already gimpy from arthritis or some such. Also, repairmen showed up bright and early this morning to fix the plumping problem and the phone.

No big whoop overall, just a reminder that if you someday hear that I died in a freakish acccident, especially involving a fall, know that the furballs had a paw in there somewhere.

But, thanks to cheights & fanfromfla I have some ideas to try to see if my LJ woes at least can be cleared up. And also, thanks to an anonymous LJ fairy, I once again have paid time here, and all my icons back. Fingers crossed that won't have been money wasted for whoever you are.
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