LJ has been a lot of fun lately

Mar 15, 2006 09:03

Lots of great Lee news, a mess of activity over on tietuckluv, pretty pictures posted regularly on _lighthouses, and a smattering of Oz here and there. And let me tell you, that all helps counter the furball-induced aggravation. *phew*

Oh, yes, and I've lost my mind and signed up for this stagesoflove, going with my Oz boys, of course, although it could be fun to mix it up a bit for the next round. And as kitestringer pointed out the other day, this one, summer_flinging, also looks very tantalizing. 'Course I'd have to completely lose my marbles to sign on for yet one more challenge. ;)

Who's watched Convictions? I keep meaning to catch it, and keep forgetting (partly because Fridays, it's on at the same time as the USA repeats of House, which I'm trying to decide if I like or not). I gather there was no resolution provided for Alex's SVU storyline? Do we at least know how long she's been back in New York as a prosecutor? And is she still an ADA or has she been bumped up to something more akin to Jack McCoy's job as an Executive ADA? (Fic may hinge upon answers to these questions. *g*)

Toby is all recovered from his ordeal. Obnoxious and throwing a tantrum every time he makes a dash for the door and I drag him back inside. Although guess I'm supposed to keep giving him the antibiotics -- Give twice daily, or until gone. Whee, so much fun that.

Almost finished with Shadows Over Baker Street, and have to agree with the amazon reviewers who only give it three stars. Two huge strikes against a lot of the stories is that the writers clearly know zip about both the Cthulhu Mythos and Sherlock Holmes. Or, rather, they know SH and Watson from movies, not the canon, and sadly that's often not remotely the same thing. Even so, I would say the anthology is worth a read for that handful of good stories (and I believe Neil Gaiman's, "A Study in Emerald," is available on his website).

books: cthulhu, television: law & order, cats, books: sherlock holmes

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