Wow, I haven't posted here in forever IM SORRY. I always mean to but I just forget :C Nothing new has really happened in my life though jhghj which is a shame or maybe not. I enjoy my boring life.
I'm back in school UGHH Started last tuesday. Today I had painting from 9:30-3 and then in about 30 minutes I gotta head on out to computer art (which is 5-10:45, how lovely! but we'll never stay the full time thank goodness). Painting is like...jhghj terrible ugh. We only made a color chart today (oh took that long hghghjk) and I was so miserable/bored xD and slow. god dammit I paint so slow. I do have the same professor I had in Drawing last semester though so it's kind of nice to know how she works and everything. What the hell am I even rambling about?
The expenses for this semester between art supplies and (unexpected) textbooks have been crazy this time around. I had so much saved for this semester and then poof, all gone on stuff I didn't even think I would need. I have taken in more commissions that I can even remember now to help pay for these things and they're constantly hanging over my head daily and it's ridiculous how much it stresses me out. I mean, I'm trying to get them done but sometimes I'm just so tired or I just want to hang out online and chat withsome people. Or I just want to lay down on my bed and sulk like terriermon up there.
I've also gotten back into collecting digimon things again. Sad, right? Ahahaha I can't help it though, it's like IN MY BLOOD MAN. I collected alot when I was younger and I put alot of it away in storage (which is impossible to get to now because there's so much crap blocking it) so that kind of sucks. I've been buying things here and there lately with leftover bday/xmas money and it's been so much fun! I love searching the internet for something I'm looking for and then actually getting it. Or think about getting it one day cause some stuff is so expensive lmao But it's just given me something to do I guess, idk. Just another way to waste money honestly ahaha
BUT NOW I will go and play animal crossing for a few minutes before we leave for comp art. I WILL BE MORE ACTIVE (AND INTERESTING) I SWEAR