(no subject)

Jan 11, 2007 14:31

This semester is going to be like no other.

Man, this swap drive has changed the way I work at school. I absolutely love having everything set up the way I like it, instead of changing all the settings every time I log into a computer. It makes me feel like I'm at home since I use my background images, firefox and all of that fun stuff.

I still have to install a bunch of software on my computer, I'm thinking about putting Macromedia Flash on it, so I can work on my webcomic while I'm at school :D

Today I organized my google calendar information... its something I could have easily done without the swap drive... but since I always feel like I'm on my home computer now, I'll probably end up getting a lot more work done this way (except for maybe school work... I don't know how thats going to turn out yet).
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