I suppose it IS a comedy of errors

Mar 08, 2008 12:50

We got a flat last night on the way back from Bennigan's. Rachel swerved to miss two little potholes and landed in one huge one. We figured out how to get the tire out and then my dad came and changed the tire. Now I know how, of which I am glad. But it was FUCKING FREEZING outside last night.

There were cop cars going by about every 5 minutes, but not a single one stopped to help the car with its hazards on. I feel safe, don't you?

And then in the show, one of Cit's maraccas split clear in two. I'm SOOOOOO glad the top didn't fly into the audience.

I made a new journal. I think I'm going to use it. If you're still interested in reading about my life, leave a comment and I'll add you with my other journal.

new journal, flat tire, comdey of errors

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