PLEASE help. Please.

Sep 18, 2007 20:14

Part of me completely hates this essay. Is it shit, or am I crazy?

Zimbabwe the Horse, the Bagel Song and Other Errant Musings. I suppose it’s less of a story and more of a collection of odd limericks and unconsciously sung songs, but the bits of life between them aren’t nearly as interesting as the lyrics. Since the age of three I have been cursed with an acute inability to discern between the ramblings in my head and the ramblings coming out of my mouth, which often appear complete with melody and refrain. The original song, a bathtub discovery much like water displacement, went something along the lines of, “Oh Zimbabwe, you are my horse today.” The rhyme schemes have only become more complicated, and I often find myself halfway through a song before I realize I’m singing, about anything: the proper application of cream cheese, cat scratches on the back of my knee, even confusingly circular lyrics about the song itself. It isn’t the best unconscious habit for a person to fall into, but if it gave me an idea for this essay, it can’t be all bad.


As a student, I believe it important to seek challenges in my education, to teach myself to rise to the occasion, to better myself. Like most high school students, my opportunities for challenge have been limited to advanced courses, but college presents a new situation: almost limitless choices of institutions at which to learn and grow. Bryn Mawr, as a college of high caliber, should make any discerning student’s list of prospective schools.
I first looked at Bryn Mawr for that reason, and was further drawn in by the diversity of the students and faculty. Coming from a relatively large and fairly diverse school, I have always made a conscious effort to expand my knowledge of the people and cultures around me. I have already taught myself basic American Sign Language and some rudimentary Russian as well as participating in Indian, Asian and Jewish celebrations and customs, and love capturing the essence of each with words or film. The great mix of peers found at Bryn Mawr seems to me an excellent opportunity to become a better citizen of this planet, enriching my education with new perspectives. Experiencing new things and sharing my experiences with others is a personal joy, and I see Bryn Mawr as the perfect place to learn more and share with others what I have learned.


My mom says the final sentence of this needs to be more excited, but every time I try it comes out all barfy and fake.

I have always been semi-addicted to the written word, from elementary school when my parents had to limit my books or I would stay up the whole night reading, to my variously successful forays into authoring with National Novel Writing Month. Since my late nights spent with Judy Blume and J.K. Rowling I have become more and more interested in the process a manuscript goes through to be a novel. Having spent four years on Yearbook Staff and in challenging English courses, there is nothing I would rather do with my life than edit books, and no better school than Emerson to prepare me for the publishing world. The Writing, Literature and Publishing program is unique, and attractive to me because I believe one must know how to write to be able to edit.

essay, application, college apps, bryn mawr, emerson, writing

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