[Fic] 100 Snapshots Drabble 30: Heal

Apr 07, 2011 03:09

Title: Drabble 25: Heal
Challenge: The 100 Drabbles/Art List from Deviantart (Complete list can be found here)
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts (Featuring FFVIII characters and some FFVII)
Author: Tysonkaiexperiment (rikusora_chan)
Couplings: Squall Leonhart/Sora and mentioned SeiferRinoa
Characters: Squall Leonhart, Sora, Tuulenpuuska Leonhart(OC), Rinoa, and Seifer
Challenge Summary: 100 theme drabbles dedicated around Squall and Sora and their wedding gift, a camera. LeSo with many random mixed and matched others!
Notes: Tuulenpuuska Leonhart is my own character, Squall and Sora's adopted son, please head to my fanfiction.net profile to read more about him. Following this are Tuulenpuuska's two love interests, Angie Crawford and Parker Crawford-brother and sister-please head to my profile to learn about them as well.
Notes 2: Tuulenpuuska calls Squall 'father' while he calls Sora 'dad', in case you're wondering.

Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and Squall are owned by Square Enix, Sora is owned by Disney. The Good Die Young is owned by The Scorpions and Tarja Turunen.

Drabble Summary: Squall will need time to heal. Direct sequel to drabble 23, I Can't.


Drabble 30
Sequel to drabble 23, I Can't. Sora's ending words are lyrics from The Good Die Young.


"You're bleeding again."

Squall grunted and shifted to take a good look at his arm, the two puncture wounds bright red from under his white tank top. The metallic smell of blood just barely filled his nostrils and he gave an, "Oh," in response to his husband's words.

Sora sighed and stood, shifting the strap of Squall's shirt to peer at the wounds better. Beads of blood were beginning to bubble around the edges of the wounds, Squall's arm had moved too fast and the scars hadn't appreciated it. Gently he grabbed a baby wipe and began to dab the area clean, they could've invested in them for how many they had scattered around the house for such an occasion.

His husband hadn't even looked at him, too busy reliving the memories fresh in his mind. The wind blowing sand into his face, a dust storm like nothing he'd ever seen burning his throat and watering his eyes. Seifer had made some awful joke and one of the soldiers laughed, eyes not even focused on the road correctly. Next to him a solider offered him a homemade cookie from his wife; it didn't taste as good as Sora's but Squall still thanked him anyways. And suddenly, just as he was onto his second cookie he could only remember opening his eyes and the burning pain scorching up his side. Vaguely next to him he could hear Seifer yelling about how he wasn't allowed to go down, saying that he'd managed to drag Squall behind the vehicle on its side and he'd be damned if he died now. The smell of blood was strong and he could lightly hear the wheels on the truck still spinning. With the only body part he could still feel he used all of his strength to reach to his right. The moment his tore-open fingers touched the solider next to him and the man gurgled blood about his wife's cookies, Squall had lost consciousness.


Snapping his attention back to his husband, the man grunted and moved his arm just slightly. He nodded that it wasn't too tight before the younger sighed and rolled back on the balls of his feet, "How do you feel?"

"Alive." Was his answer, and Sora knew he didn't need to say anything with the memories flashing over Squall's eyes.

"Are you hungry?"

"Cookies, please." Squall muttered, silently thanking his husband for not prying at the moment.

Sora nodded and disappeared into the kitchen, the clinking of silverware was heard soon after, relaxing Squall in a way he never expected. He suddenly urged to call Seifer, to see how Rinoa was fairing over his half-broken arm, but he refused to. It was enough to know Seifer was still alive and home healing, he should've been worried about what became of the families of the soldiers.

Out of all the images he saw when he closed his eyes the one he couldn't bare most was a gorgeously smiling Sora unknowingly opening the door and being given Destiny Island's flag even if Squall wasn't a soldier. He could see every muscle of Sora's face go from such a beautiful smile to a look more painful than anything he could imagine. Like the devoted dad he would be, Sora would contact Tuulenpuuska instantly and deal with his son's pain-never his own. He'd hide it and lock it away and suffer by himself, and Squall had to fight back the tears dotting his eyelashes as he practically felt the torment Sora would put himself through.

"They'll be done soon." Loving fingers raked through his bangs, parting them innocently and Squall leaned into the touch. The tips of Sora's fingers began a gentle massage, a slow rotation that almost sent Squall into a light sleep.

"I love you." He muttered honestly, meaning it with every fiber of his being unlike he usually did when he expected to see Sora on his return trips. He'd be lying if he said he didn't mean it honestly then too, but now he just felt like he had to share it as much as possible.

"I know." Sora muttered, and Squall knew that Sora meant he knew everything that was going on and what he was thinking.

But no, he needed it, "I love you."

Feather-soft kisses were placed on his eyelids, the tears that were once blurring his vision were beginning to leak out, "I love you too."

His husband sashayed away from him as soon as the oven began to call out, Squall remained perfectly still as he let the tears brush painfully against his eyelids that refused to let them out anymore.

Not even a few moments later Sora brought out a plate of six cookies, each sprinkled with the cinnamon they had inside them and baked to a perfect golden brown. It looked exactly like his cookies, and Squall brought the plate closer as Sora left and then returned with a glass of milk.

It was silent for the barest of moments as Squall ate every single cookie, if not to remind himself how close he was to loosing this, then to remember the soldier who could no longer indulge himself.

"The good die young," Sora muttered as Squall finished the last cookie, his husband removing the bleeding bandage to apply a clean one, "The flame will burn forever, and no one knows your name. Bring the boys back home again…"

The older could do little but watch the glass of untouched milk, a bead of water slowly forming before it slid down and onto the table-crying Squall's tears for him and somehow healing him.


Um… review 'cuz I'm back now?

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A complete list can be found here

site: fanfiction.net, character: sora (kingdom hearts), challenge: 100 drabbles, character: squall leonhart, site: ffn, fanfiction: kingdom hearts, type: shounen-ai/yaoi, character: seifer almasy, story: 100 snapshots, character: leon leonhart, fanfiction, series: kingdom hearts, coupling: leonsora, character: rinoa heartily

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