[FIC] KH: Loire Family Trait

Mar 23, 2011 15:03

Title-Loire Family Trait
Author-Tysonkaiexperiment (rikusora_chan)
Fandom-Kingdom Hearts
Couplings/Characters-Light LeSo with Donald and Goofy mentioned.
Warnings/Rating-T for a bit of cussing, that's about it.
Summary-During a usual battle at the bailey, the Loire family trait begins to show itself on Squall, and he is not happy. Light LeSo.
Notes-This was inspired by the amazing musicalsharpie, we were both playing at the same time, haha. It was also inspired by the scene were Laguna gets a leg cramp in Dissidia 012, because he's such a dork. And Raine's probably going to kill him when she finds out, I really don't want to be him at this moment.

Loire Family Trait

Sora didn't think Leon was old.

For a man in his thirties, Squall Leonhart was in more than perfect health. Even with training and working to defeat the heartless he still kept himself looking at his peak. His stomach was still as flat and muscly as it always had been, no hints of old age pudginess beginning to show. Though Sora was pretty sure Leon could eat bonbons and sit on his couch for a year and still look exactly like this. It seemed to be a warrior's metabolism that they wouldn't get fat because they still unconsciously took care of themselves so well. That and he was pretty sure Squall wasn't really a bonbon type guy.

But whatever it was that they'd been keeping up with, Sora realized maybe it wasn't working anymore.


The man grit his teeth, hissing out 'I'm fine, it's Leon.' as he winced on one knee and struggled to use his sword to try and stand. Near him a few heartless began to move, eying him and sizing him up since he'd stopped attacking them mid-attack.

"What's wrong?" Sora questioned, clearing the heartless with a blast of fire magic before he made his way over and placed his hand on the older's shoulder, "Are you hurt?"

"N-no." Leon muttered, one hand on his bent knee since the other was on the floor, "Fucking Laguna, stupid idiot..."

The younger called for Donald and Goofy, quickly answering his escape plan before wrapping Leon's arm over his shoulder and trying to help him stand. There were a few startled quacks about Leon getting injured but Sora ignored him in favor of watching Leon wince in pain. Finally making it out, Sora motioned for Leon to sit before he kneeled in front to check over the lower half of Leon's body, "What happened?"

Instantly, as if he were suddenly over it, Leon's cheeks flushed an un-Leon red, "Nothing, let's get back into battle."

"I'm not letting you battle if you're injured Leon!" The younger chastised, folding his arms as his eyes met Leon's.

"Look, I'm obviously not injured." He motioned his hand to urge Sora to see there were no marks on his body before he reddened again as he realized he was unconsciously asking Sora to check him out.

Sora's cheeks flushed as well, but he tried to look as firm as possible, even going so far as to stand to make himself seem taller to the sitting other, "Then what is it?"

"It's nothing, it's stupid." The older muttered, eyes now suddenly finding the stones below them more interesting.

"It can't be more stupid than half the shit I've been through." Sora reasoned, waiting patiently for the older to continue.

"My father... Laguna Loire..." Leon gave a sigh, the leg he'd been kneeling on earlier now bending comfortably to him, "I just realized I have one of his traits."

"What is it?"


"Squall." Sora muttered, eyes softening as he reached out to place his hand on the hand Leon placed on his own knee, "I can't help if you don't tell me."

Finally Leon sighed and tightened his hold on his knee, "This is going to sound so stupid."

"Humor me."


Leaning forward, Sora's eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed, "What was that?"

"... Leg cramps."

The younger's eyebrows rose, lips forming an 'o' shape as he tried to let it click in his head, "Leg cramps?"

"Out of all his fucking traits..." Came Leon's response, folding his arms and standing now, leaving his gunblade on the side of the wall, "I got stuck with fucking leg cramps."

Sora's lips quirked up, the softest look crossing his features, "It's kind of... cute."

Leon's cheeks flushed, he picked his sword up and began making his way back towards the battle, "Let's go."

"I'll take care of you if you get one again." Sora teased, elbowing him lightly in the side.

The older raised a gloved hand to flick the younger in the head before they charged into the building.


Comments are love~.

character: laguna loire, character: sora (kingdom hearts), character: squall leonhart, series: final fantasy 8, fanfiction: kingdom hearts, type: shounen-ai/yaoi, character: leon leonhart, fanfiction, series: kingdom hearts, coupling: leonsora

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