Sep 19, 2006 23:06

Here we have a contest for your enjoyment today, rikufans. Me and technologica were talking about what kind of contests we could have. Apparently halfling_rogue was going on about a fanart contest?

So, with that considered, and considering today is TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY, we have conjured up THE SUPER AMAZING MEGA IMPORTANT AND SUPER FAB PIRATE RIKU FANART CONTEST!.

We also have some AMAZING prizes up for grabs! So step right up and get in ye pirate spirit. Arrrrr.

1] The picture MUST be portrayed as Riku in a pirate fashion. It could be anything from the 1600's swashbuckling classics, to the digital world of bad hygiene and boating on the e-ocean of discovery. Be creative!

2] ALL art must be tasteful and appropriate for all age groups. Please put in minimal, preferably no, adult content. No gore, no porn, none of that icky stuff. Riku holding a bloody sword? That's cool. Him gutting open someone with all visuals included? Not cool.

3] The art must be original and by you. You can use mediums such as photoshop and heavily manipulate pictures, draw by hand, oekaki them, whatever. So long as it is original.

4] Shounen ai suggestiveness and stuff is okay. However for the sake of younger fans, no extremities, please. Not everyone appreciates it.

5] Not a rule, but if you're not confident in your art skeelz, but you'd like to go for it, go for it anyway! All participants get a shiny banner with their artwork attached. Remember, the only bad fanart is the one not posted (or one being baaaadddd and breaking the rules)!

Simple enough right?

Now here be the FABTASTIC PRIZES. As the King of All Cosmos would say "If it were Ours, we'd make it much bigger."

1] All people contesting get a shiny banner, because everyone likes shiny banners. Amirite?

2] 1st Place gets a paid LJ-account for 2 months with 100 icons. Also comes with a shiny 1st place banner and bragging rights. If you already have that, feel free to bug me for an alternate goodness prize.

3] 2nd Place gets 25 customized Riku icons (or whatever else, just show me wut) OR a personalized LJ layout for personalized LJ use + an optional friends only banner for use. Also gets a shiny 2nd place banner.

4] 3rd Place gets 10 customized icons, + an optional banner if you want it.

5] A special most creative award gets a spiffy banner, bragging rights and 15 customized icons.

I know they're a bit on the lame side for now, but I'm a poor college student, forgive me. ]: The contests in the future will be better!

DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 20th so there is PLENTY of time for you aspiring artists to get something in! Submit to here, entries are screened and so forth. Questions will be de-screened.
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