[Le Static Post]

Jul 07, 2017 17:17

Friends Only Journal

Comprehensive list of those who have access to my journal when they log in (LOCAL):
a) あいちゃん
b) よこ姫
c) たらさんInternational friends will not be listed (the list is too long).

Let it now be known that from this moment forward any and all content displayed here is within my domain and my territory. Should you surmise that what you see isn't appropriate for your eyes, the door is over there /point/.

Credit is given where due. Should an image, quote, or otherwise other copyright item be used that does not belong to the creator of this domain (aka, me), then forever hold your peace and realize that it wasn't by me. In most instances I will give credit where it is due unless I absolutely forget.

Also please note the following, for it is beyond important. I will be doing a series of bashing, of swearing, of ranting, and all that which is available in my arsenal. Should you deem what you see as flame worthy, flame naught here but out the door, which is over there /point/.

This is my personal space where I can do whatever I want whenever I wish. Comment as you will, agree or disagree as you will, but I shant see any flames from any of you or I will personally point you toward the door. And this time, whilst I become overly repetitive, I will not point you out the door which is over /there/.
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