Setting things into motion

Sep 13, 2010 13:15

Who: Nascour and Fein
What: New orders
Where: Shadow Pokemon Lab in Azimuth
When: September 13, midday

Calling a meeting )

team rocket, fein

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shadyguywes September 13 2010, 18:21:32 UTC
[For the past few months, Fein had been laying low like a good peon (boy did he hate being referred to as such, but I digress) and had stayed on observational duty like he had been told before the last time he spoke to Nascour. Of course, it had started to become a bit stale and dull, so when Nascour called for him, he didn't waste any time and arrived as quickly as possible.]

You called, sir?


riku_medusa September 13 2010, 18:37:49 UTC
[Sorry about the stagnation; everyone's been a bit busy with their own thing lately. As Fein entered via the door, Nascour at first had to do a double-take. The young man's disguise really was uncanny.]

Yes, I did. You have probably noticed it already, but I'll brief you just in case. There is a group known as Team Rocket gaining momentum as of late, and it's increasingly likely that they will make a move and attempt a takeover of the island soon.


shadyguywes September 13 2010, 19:04:19 UTC
[That means he's doing something right. Fein nods in response to that.] I've seen a few of them myself appearing around the island recently, having spotted at least ten or more members as I last counted, so it wouldn't be too surprising for them to take action with their numbers increasing lately.

[Yes, he's been very stalkerishly-from-the-shadows observant. ^^;;]


riku_medusa September 13 2010, 19:13:51 UTC
[Nascour nods. Good work.]

What I want you to do is infiltrate their ranks; find out their strategies and, if you can, get on the good side of their higher-ups. If they make a move soon, it could provide an opportunity for us to further our own plans.

[He stands then, heading toward the door and gesturing for Fein to follow.]

If you're successful, I'll make you an Admin.


shadyguywes September 13 2010, 19:20:15 UTC
[If a promotion was at stake, then he would definitely make sure to do this right. He nods, smirking slightly as he follows.] Got it. I will be sure to do an excellent job, then.


riku_medusa September 13 2010, 19:28:10 UTC
[Nascour says no more as he leads Fein to the holding cells. The door slides open with a whoosh and he steps inside. Stacked up along the walls are countless cages.]

I'm aware that you're comfortable with your team as it is, but help yourself to any of the Shadow Pokemon here for your mission if you so desire.


shadyguywes September 13 2010, 19:35:32 UTC
[He nods as he's quietly observing the Pokemon in the cages as if contemplating which ones would be best to have for the mission. Indeed he was quite comfortable with his team...not attached to them per say, but they had been good to him in the past. Still, it didn't hurt to consider new options.]


riku_medusa September 13 2010, 20:42:01 UTC
As for myself, I will begin to distribute some of the weaker ones to the residents of the island. [He smirks.] It never hurts to have good publicity, after all.


shadyguywes September 13 2010, 20:58:27 UTC
Of course. [There's a slight pause as he looks away from the caged Pokemon as something occurs to him.] What about those that can sense aura? ...Or that kid with the snagger I've seen around as well...Michael I believe it was. Apparently he has some kind of scanner that lets him see and identify shadow Pokemon as well.

[Guess who might have been spying on Michael's conversation with Ein.]


riku_medusa September 13 2010, 21:21:29 UTC
[Nascour's eyes narrow as he considers this. He knows the boy Fein refers to. He could be a problem, and after Wes, he wasn't about to underestimate kids. The upside was that he knew what team Michael used, so that would be to their advantage in the worst-case scenario.]

It might be a good idea to find a way to separate his scanner from him, as well as the snag machine, if possible. Without them, he'll be little threat.


shadyguywes September 13 2010, 21:39:55 UTC
[Fein is thoughtful for a moment, as he thinks he has an idea...] From what I've noticed from observations, he's apparently friends with a Wes that was here sometime ago, but appears to have left. Think he's smart enough to tell the difference between him and an imposter who wants to "borrow" his scanner?


riku_medusa September 13 2010, 21:48:31 UTC
[What a novel idea. Nascour considers it for a moment, then begins laughing.] Considering when I met him, he wasn't even in the slightest bit suspicious of me, I doubt he's bright enough to tell the difference, especially when even I have trouble telling you two apart in that disguise!

[That also brought forward another interesting bit of information, however.] So Wes has left, has he? That automatically makes things simpler. [Fein, you are the best spy ever.]


shadyguywes September 13 2010, 22:10:09 UTC
[He is pleased you think so.] Seems that way. There's been no sign of him anywhere nor of anyone mentioning where he has gone, so it's likely he's no longer even on the island anymore. [He would know, since he definitely made a habit of stalking Wes too, obviously, so he's pretty sure he's gone rather than just having gone off to the mountains or something.]


Totally an inappropriate icon. riku_medusa September 13 2010, 22:23:01 UTC
[Yes, Fein is definitely getting a promotion for this.]

Excellent news. Then, whenever you're ready, Fein. [He pat his encouragingly on the shoulder and turns to leave.] I expect good things from you.


It totally is lol shadyguywes September 13 2010, 22:40:14 UTC
[He nods as he turns his attention back towards the caged Pokemon, thinking over plans and battle strategies with his Pokemon. Things were about to get interesting, so he had to make sure he met Nascour's expectations and that everything went according to plan...]


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