Our Love3

May 31, 2012 23:09


Nakayama Miyuki (You), Yamada Ryosuke , Hey Say Jump 

You are Snow aka Yuki who is newest popular model in Japan . Age 17 .
Having a Mystery Personality ...
Living as two different identity [ As a model and also your normal nerdy disguise]
Never expose your real name and where you come from to the media [To prevent media harrassment in your private life]  ...

Real name : Nakayama Miyuki
From : Singapore 
Fashion style : Sexy Cool Casual style

You are having a long break from your work ...kinda bored of your holiday nothing to do , your aunt offer you a job as a manger as she is going off for a holiday ... Since you are free and staying in Japan during your break you take over her job for the time being .  You found out that she is the Hey Say Jump manger and you have to take over her and look after all 9 boys . To prevent paparazzi , you went off with your usual disguise .  See what will happen between her and the boys .

What kind of changes will the boys have ??? ^^ Enjoy reading !! 

Summary : You are the most popular model in Japan and was on a break . Decided to take over your aunt of becoming a manager of HEY! SAY! JUMP!  What conflicts will you and the 9 boys have ?

Hi Everyone !! This is my first time writing fanfics here ... So hope you support !! ^_^

Oh ya! Forgot to introduce myself

Im Riku!!

Minna Doozo Yoroshiku !!!

hey! say! jump!

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