Twilight: Everything is relative!!!

May 09, 2008 23:42

This is a shared journal between 
rikoura06and Twilightoflife22 from DA :D Since we have just finished Art Uni together, we felt it necessary to document our obsession with Twilight in a journal!

Twilightoflife22: OK, I really didnt realise how many everyday things could be related to Twilight, but it's everywhere! just a case of where to begin...

Rikoura06: Well, lets begin with Uni - until two weeks ago I had a work space in the Illustration studio, but then we had to migrate so that the Fashion(istas's) students could overtake us to do their fashion show... >.>

Anyway, this is what my favourite wall looked like :D

Rikoura06: Our lunchtime ritual of venturing to the library to check for updates in the fandom led me to changing my desktop to one of my favourite images of a certain family...

Twilightoflife22: THE VAN...possibly the best bit about the walk from Uni...

Rikoura06: I still want to write the 'n' on the side of the van so that it's spelt properly XP

Twilightoflife22: *runs off to grab a big black permanent marker...*

Then randomly, out of the blue, we see this in a car window... so we simply just had to take a photo of it... (Second one down!)

Rikoura06: For those of you who don't understand this one, a while ago some fans were comparing animals to the Cullen men. Obviously, Edward is a Mountain Lion and Emmett is a Grizzly Bear, but no-one ever knew what Jasper was. Then the movie casting decided it all - Jasper was a Chihuahua :3

(For reference only! This isn't mine!)

So yeah.

Also, you may be able to spot us in the photo >.> Not my fault - I didn't take the picture ;P

Upon finally reaching the train station...

Twilightoflife22: Yeah, even I thought you were crazy for this one... In the waiting room there was a poster advertising a book (not Twilight may I add)...

Rikoura06: It's not my fault that the name 'Pattinson' is fused into my brain, is it?! I blame you for the whole 'I love Rob!!!' mornings we used to have when you were first introduced to the idea of a movie...*sigh* And they still didn't spell it right! Gah! XP

Twilightoflife22: And who, may I ask, was it that got me introduced to the whole Twilight phenomenon anyway...?! Go ahead, blame me, you normally do....

Rikoura06: How can you say that when you're obviously blaming me for the start of the argument!! Besides, it's your own fault for being such a fast reader and having an obsessive personality. So there. 'Make my day, kid' she says with a Ribena smoothee lolly stick in her mouth.

Anyway, we digress.

Twilightoflife22: Oh shoosh... 'Alice...' Ahem... Not only was there a poster, but also a mural, showing the change in styles and stuff from the train company, and what should we see but..... *does a terrible drumroll*

Rikoura06: We think.

Rikoura06: Edward Masen! X3 He owned a train company in a previous life :D Obviously!

Twilightoflife22: Life...? Seriously? (god, I'm worse than I thought...)

Rikoura06: Shall we get back to the original reason for this journal, so I can eventually bash you over the head with a blunt instrument so that you'll go to sleep tonight? Thank you.

Twilightoflife22: Yes, sorry, (the blunt instrument wouldn't happen to be a book by any chance would it?)

Rikoura06: What, you mean, The Host? No, no! I couldn't possibly hit you with that book to encourage you to READ THE HOST, cause that would be wrong, and rude. I only do that to people who refuse to READ THE HOST. And you wouldn't be one of those now, would you? I mean, you're going to READ THE HOST, aren't you? I don't HAVE to hit you over the head with THE HOST to make you READ it, do I?

Twilightoflife22: Wow, there was absolutely no hint of any sublimanal messaging in there now was there?

Rikoura06: Of course not.




Twilightoflife22: *giggles* (Rikoura06: <- Understatement.)

Rikoura06: Maybe we should stop talking about blunt instruments (where's that frying pan again?) and READING THE HOST, and GET BACK to the obsessive photos?!

Twilightoflife22: Yeah, because otherwise your 'friends' on here will get fed up with us... So... SOUP!!!!

Rikoura06: Yes, soup! :D Well, the story behind this was that I was food shopping with my most excellent (sorry, recently re-watched Bill and Ted's Most Excellent Adventure!) female parental unit, and because she is amazing, she spotted this:


It's made of Haddock, potatoes and onions, it smells really strongly, but tasted amazing :D

Twilightoflife22: I couldn't believe it when you told me, but then, lo and behold, there on your work surface, was the tin of Cullen soup!

Rikoura06: Well, I think that's it. I can't really think of any more things we managed to take photos of...

Twilightoflife22: Nope, neither can I, and since it looks like you're about to fall asleep on my arm... I think we had better be off, don't you? (it also looks like I may have a lil' bit of reading to do, thanks to your shovel full of subtlety)

RIkoura06: By the bucket-loads :D But, you love me really, especially since 'I got you into that whole Twilight thing'. So there. I win.

Twilightoflife22: You always do... Your the Vampire remember?

Rikoura06: Yes Bella *pats head* Silly humans :)

edward cullen, robert pattinson, craziness, twilight, photos, edward masen

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