New Novel "Summerhill" Slated for Release at FC 2013!

Dec 11, 2012 15:58

Hello, dear readers!

I'm very happy to announce that, at very long last, my new novel, called Summerhill, is going to be released next month at Further Confusion in San Jose.

The book is a science-fiction adventure that started as a weird, one-off story idea I had three years ago. After some feedback and some brainstorming, I wound up fleshing out the idea more and more until it snowballed into what it is now. Which I hope is something pretty fun for folks!

You can read the publisher's press release on it here. In addition to what's listed there, I can also say that there's an ebook version planned as well, to be released a little later (details are a bit sketchy).

I'm really glad that this is finally ready to see the light of day and that people will finally get to read what I've worked so hard on over these past few years. I hope the wait is worth it!

writing, summerhill, furry, books

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