Since my FFXI character has been demoted to my friend's mobile mule/treasure hunter/whatever else she uses it for, and I haven't had enough time to log in and play... I've been playing DOMO, Dream of Mirror Online. Despite the cuteness, it's pretty much a grind. Even with the grind, at the max, it takes about an hour or so to get a level on a melee job. On a mage job, eh... I average about 1h30m, but I get distracted doing other things. Yesterday, it took about 5hrs for one level. That's one bad party experience in FFXI. No telling what I was doing in those five hours, it was early in the morning and I got stuck reading something.
DOMO has some FFXI elements also, like the job system. Everyone starts out as a commoner or citizen and can later change to other jobs at the level 10. While in FFXI, advanced jobs are unlockable at 30. Oddly, the races are borderline alike, I'm still trying to see how male Elvaans in FFXI can be graceful like Sylphs.
Anyway! That's my character, Notti (original amirite?), he's a Sylph shaman/docter, vice versa, or a commoner/docter/shaman depending on my mood. He has sparkles sometimes while he floats everywhere.Those sparkles are super sparkle-y when glow is enabled.