HELLO ME.. and it's MAY

May 17, 2016 16:11

MAY... 17
It has been 14 days since the official end of school year. I haven't finished my clearance and I am not doing anything to finish it at all.
That's just depressing but it is also probably what is bothering me this past few days.
I am not motivated... I'm just happy finally we got a nice deadline to work on in finishing our clearance and within those days. I'll make it through somehow. I just hope I wouldn't run out of money after all. NICE.

Now, for the things to be done... it's not easy but I should accomplish 5 a day and that 5 a day starts NOW.
riri please do finish it.
I'll write again once I'm done and I cannot forget about that anymore.

So anyway I thought that instead of ranting so much about these things so currently what's up?
nothing interesting is up T^T
I'm at home bacause it is vacation and I am allowed to be lazy so lazy that I sleep like a cat already... something like that and ... nothing is going on that it is so depressing. I am procrastinating regret that procrastination but I just.. can't do anything. WOW

okay I thought I'll escape the depressing part but yey! I have decided to work okay? without overworking myself as well ..
will write down things to work on, finish things until the deadline and just be happy on the rest of JUNE ! yes. I am looking forward for June. I hope there will be more time outside the house, or maybe more time to do shits than sleep. I'll do that ..
I need to do that. okay ! once I'm done I will reward myself >D so cheer me on okay?

Edit: I decided to do a 15 days accomplishment challenge. I do not know how will it go but it's prolly if I finish my target work of the day I need to reward myself or something? hahaha I'll start today. so if I accomplished things today like my target accomplishment I'll prolly post this on instagram (ririnyann1001) and tell what I have done .. I need a random motivational quote today omg.. I'll tell you thge details I guess on the next post?

Uhm .. see ya next post ? xD
let me know how are you as well >
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