can't think of a good title

Apr 10, 2012 02:05

it's been a while since I wrote something .. LOL
anyways ~ I'm on Summer Vacation
though it doesn't really feel like summer since I still got cold >///<
and I'm one heck of a lazy girl lately ~ lalala
since I'm a poor girl who don't even have a single peso on her wallet  >///<
I can't go elsewhere ~
I'm stuck at home ~ watching movies, sleeping, eating and yes STALKING like always >///<
seriously for an 18 year old girl 
I'm still quite an immature one ~

So lots of things Happened Last March ...
there are things that I want to recall .. there are things that 
I really don't want to >3< wahaha ...
Well ... I encountered lots of conflicts during that month ... I couldn't even recall how many times I cried
haha well actually I was over thinking about some things as well that's why it became a total headache ~
anyways ~ I've always knew before this month came that It would be one heck of a memorable month ...
since this month is~
The month when Cocoa Otoko will Disband  ..
and The Month when My Sempais who I LOVE soooo MUCH will graduate

It's like that everyday I'm always thinking ...


over and over again ...
haha and focused on different things ~
but yes of course I know that a time will come that things have to change
though I could hardly accept it >3< *throws bricks at herself* DON'T BE TOO DRAMATIC IDIOT =.=

On the Last day that I saw  my sempais Before Summer Break 
It was like a day that I should say something like 
I just hugged them like the way I used to *LOL
and even told sempai ikki chama (nenemaru_18)
"Gumraduate ka lang naman" ~ (You Just Graduated)
I don't know the exact words before I said that demo ~
I was like saying ~ it's just nothing .. yoou guys just graduated and It doesn't mean a thing everything would be like how it was before and stuff ... but really .. I know so well and I could even see sempai ikki chama thinking about it that it wont be just like that after all...
when they went practice teaching .. it was already like they graduated ...
The sempais busy preparing for their demo teaching and don't even have that much of time to go to school and hang out was like .. they already graduated and they can't give the whole attention to us that they use to give.

but since I don't want to think about those things and I don't even want to think that it's gunna happen 
I tend to think that .. Nah ~ It will be just like the way it used to be ...
seeing sempai michi smiling at you saying "WIWI CHAN KO"
hearing sempai misaki's words / statements that would make you laugh until you can't breathe and
FANGIRLING EVERYDAY ... NO MATTER WHERE with sempai ikki chama 
will just be a normal thing on the next school year and the feeling that they're not always there is just an illusion ...

but yep this is reality and I just felt it now ..
though there are communications online ...
it can't replace the feeling of being together for real and hanging out like crazy people ...

Though it won't be an everyday thing anymore we will still make more memories like that

and that's how I cut it for now .. really .. my mom kills the drama ..
haha and it's really getting late ~ 
so ja ~


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