I want to talk so . yeah I'll talk >.

Jan 03, 2012 01:26

The year has started ne ?? ~ Well .. the things .. that are undone .. are still undone =.= blame my sister .. 
haha anyways ~ so .. 2011 .. has been a greaaaaaaaat year *o* seriously ...
So I'm hoping for 2012 to be one heck of a great year as well ...

So last night ... I was trying to remember when did my fandom started ... haha and luckily ... I do remember most of it ... well just most of it .. so if I miss anything .. don't blame me XD haha ~

So the person who started this all -> nenemaru_18

I remembered that time when she's showing me some Tenimyu clips ... mmm .. yeah back then when we had that film showing last February ... I think ? ... haha ... and I was liek *o* that is a MUST WATCH ... since I'm dead in love with TeniPuri, it's the root of all my otakuness ... well .. what we did is ... I gave her 3 blank DVDs .. and then she filled it all up with TENIMYU .. starting from the beginning up to Dream live 4th .. yeah .. I think .. but it has some backstage of rikkai myu as far as I remember .. and additional PVs and stuff >3< ... then luckily ~ we got the same break time back in first semester .. that's why we see each other a lot and all we did was a lot of TALKING, almost creating our own world XD haha 
(I suddenly remembered that back then in Tanabata 2011 Photoshoot .. my sempai was already talking about ikemendel coz were dead bored while waiting ~~)

Well .. and so ... When I received the DVD ... I actually don't know where to start XD 
haha I was liek .. I wunna see Shirotan alreaaaaaaaaaady !! ... and wanting to start with the second cast so ...  I think I started with Dream Live 3rd and then .. watched from the beginning .. (not to mention that I flailed for Tuti and KENN a Lot) well but I stopped at around Hyotei summer .. coz of some things .. and up until now I haven't finished Hyotei XD .. haha .. well ... I'll watch it if I find lot's of time ... (prolly on summer break)

Then . the extra CD with PVs ... It caught my attention ... and 
yes .. I totally got into Cocoa Otoko

So the First PV that I watched was Let me free ... and I was like oooooh .. kewl .. lemme LOVE EM'
and so ~ the Cocoa Otoko fever started .. haha actually it's still related to tenimyu since Kenken was Shishido Ryo and Shishido was my favorite character and all XD.. haha

and so .. the LOVE FOR THESE BOYS STARTED :)) haha ... actually the first boy that caught meh attention was Kenken but since he's OWNED ... I diverted to Kosuke Yonehara. 
the reason? here 
I found ko-chan very cute ~ haha and so ... I started to like him :))

hmm ... then ~ we got into Airmyu (Airgear Musicals)
Since Kenken was in the lead role and two more tenimyu guys (Kenn and Kaji) was with him on team Kogarasumaru .. and Ko-chan was in Team Bacchus with his group RUN&GUN 
haha .. and because of that and my so much LOVE with Ko-chan ...
I started to like Run&Gun as well .. haha 

These boys are together for Ten Years ~ 
and not to mention when I got the copy of all their songs ...
I put them on my memory card and started to listen to it randomly and liking every song without even remembering the titles =.= haha ~ well ...
because of my random love for Run&Gun and because of Air Gear Musicals Super Range Remix (because of Shooting to my eyes PV .. and Wishing On PV) I like Kamiyama Ryuji a lot .. (The first time I admitted it) I taked about him a lot here on LJ >..< haha
ryuji talk (-.-//)  

Another Ryuji Talk (_ _//)  
Yeah .. I talked about him on two entries XD

haha and so .. what's next?
mmm ... about ... Dream Live 7th ~

(STUPID ME ~I NEVER TOOK A SCREEN SHOT OF DL7th's Logo .. =.= and now I'm too lazy to get the CD and take a shot of it so .. yeah .. bear with that pic)

and so .. let's Talk about Ryuki .. this is where I first saw him .. NOOOO ... I shouldn't talk about him first .. XD ...
well then yeah ~
DL7th ~
ahaha .. actually this is where I first saw Yoshihide Sasaki's HOTNESS and (not to mention beauty and smexiness)

If someone has to be ur Idol in dancing ... It must be HIM ! haha ~

then then ~ Mizuta Koki/ Speedy-chan's SMILE ~

This boy... when he smiles... mah .. it kills XD ~ haha So kawaii *o*

ah .. this is also where I first noticed Kane-san XD or should I say .. Kane-san's voice...

He's hot .. yeah .. he is .. but all I can say is ... Kane-san wa Boku no Kami ~ <3 XD

haha and lastly ~ this boy :)) THIS CUTE LIL BOY :))

Sato Hisanori a.k.a Shitenhouji A Zaizen ... the one who replaced Ko-chan as my Obsession ~ well yeah coz he's cute and stuff.. haha ..and his role on boukensha tachi saien made him cuter 

Well but yeah since I can't update much on him coz he doesn't have a blog (get on AMEBA) and that much of projects ..well ... I dropped the obsession and switched to Ryuki ...

well this entry:
ryuki.takahashi and my addiction to him  

I think  that was the first entry I made about Ryuki XD~
haha but I was saying that I won't drop my obession with Hisa-chan and stuff there but really .. the next entry? (about super rookie and more) well yeah .. that's where all it started XD
I won't talk much about Ryuki since I still have to talk about BLACK and WHITE and FROGS!

BLACK and WHITE STAGE *o* (Speedy-chan's smile *faints*)
haha this is where I first got hooked up on Uehara Takuya ~
haha ~ well Kuro's personality turns me on a lot .. IDK why haha that's why I got into liking UeTaku as well XD haha well I also got amazed on how UeTaku danced XD 
haha and dori .. yeah well he didn't caught that much of attention here ..
coz here:

bahaha .. well I think I talked about that here:
SAKURADA.DORI ... and my addiction to him ... 

and up until now .. I enjoy reading Dori's blog translation .. haha coz  dori is such a dork...
haha ... 
and yeah .. I got into .. UETAKUxDORI a lot too XD
coz they're cute together look:

dori said that .. the last pic of the year should be UeTaku and him .. so yeah 
it's UeTaku and HIM *O*


ok .. now .. I will talk about ATOM >.< haha .. this cute lil baby ~

haha .. well .. you see .. it's atom's fault why I love Shogo Very Much :)) hahaha ~
I wunna take atom home :)) haha ~
(remembering my Letter for Shogo ... which turned out to be a letter for atom instead haha)

oh well so LASTLY I'll TALK ABOUT D-BOYS, D2 BOYS, Tenimyu Season 2 ~ and RYU of course ...

I still don't know much about them but yeah ... I guess 2012 would give me more opportunity to know them more XDD ~ haha
well .. I do like these Dorks XD haha they're giving lots of reasons to be LOVED XDD ~
haha ~


this kid is my FAVORITE
yeah well but I like d2 boys .. I just don't know them all .. haha Tenimyu Season 2 gave me more reason to like them ~~ hahaha 
and yeah .. I'm always on their blog XD .. I won't take a day without checking it ~
esp: Ponkichi, Michaan, and Shion (for ryu's pics XD I'm always expecting that He would post lots XD) ok .. I'm invading Tsuru's Blog as well XD



and so ~ someone who is Very kind .. uploaded Haru Doko 2011 here on LJ ~ and yeah ... I downloaded it ... (not to mention waking up early in the morning to finish downloading)
haha this is where I first saw some of the d2 boys, usui masahiro and Yamada Yusuke ~
haha ~ and well .. Haru Doko 2011 is all about 
Usui Masahiro and My Addiction to him >..<
haha ~

Idk why ~ but yeah .. I do think Usui is really cute ~ >..< haha ~ I do like his blonde hair haha but yeah I think black is better ... oh well he's always cute no matter what ...
I really don't know why I paid so much attention to him though I haven't watched any of his shows, movies or even D-Boys Stage ... maybe that proves that usui's cuteness alone can caught lots of attention XD but yeah I guess Natsudoko 2010 made me like Usui MOAR ~ <3

(I do want to watch Natsudoko 2011 already though Usui is Semi-bald XD .. haha but yeah Ryu is one of my reasons too ~)

NATSU DOKO 2010 Futsal World Cup
(Due to my Laziness ~ I still haven't watched Dai Undokai CD XD but I'll watch it soon XD)

and were on team Purple's side >.< haha ~ though yeah . Purple lost ~ ( I sumtimes cheer for red cuz of Usui ~ XD )~
haha but yeah sumhow ~ ARAKI HIROFUMI .. caught my attention here XD
haha on Tenimyu ~ I don't like him that much (I think Inui's hair doesn't fit Arayan's Smexiness >.<)


ok lately I'm into Koji ~ I mean .. yeah well Seto Koji >.<
haha but really i'm still not including him on my bias list ~ but I remembered creating a separate folder of him on My Pictures XD
haha and then Araki's Smexiness ...
I don't know but these boys are pulling me on to liking DDATE >.<
I watched Day by Day and Change my life PV on YT ~ and I think it's great so ... 
yeah .. DDATE might be included in my fandom list one of these days .. and I think my sempai ikki chama (nenemaru_18) likes them already as well >.<
but really =.= I think I'll be left behind so much XD ~
haha ... well fandom is still fandom so FIGHT-O ~


so yeah ... last December (actually it's last Christmas, I remember going to the province and almost dying without internet) I watched Season 2 Seigaku vs. fudomine ..
haha actually told myself that em not gunna watch this until I finished Final Rikkai Match 2nd .. 
haha but then yeah .. I finished it so ... ~ I watched this .. haha ~ 
well... I think the dorkiness of Tenimyu casts are really passed down by generation XD
haha ~ and 2nd season casts well... they ROCK \m/ they can totally remind you of the first season casts ~ haha >.< 
And Ogoe Yuki singing Teni Muho no Kiwami better than Ryu? XD it made me go sjbfjsahlksajdlkas XD
haha ~
I'll watch Seigaku vs. Hyotei one of these days if I'm not busy ~
haha ...

There are a lot more to watch out this year ~ haha MORE OF TENIMYU SEASON 2 ~
and yeah though on March this year Cocoa Otoko will disband
I'll continue to support them ... 

Kenken, Taku, Kei-chan, Sho-chan and Ko-chan ~ SAYONARA JA NAKUTE :) <3 itsumo daisuki ~


pic from Shion's Blog

Well yeah Ryu ? why did I liked him? I don't know ... I just did ~ haha XD ..
I just told myself ... one day .. I'll  hit the dance floor with this Boy XD ~
haha .. I just love seeing Ryu dance =.= .. Idk why .. haha
Because of  this boy ... 
I started to like D-BOYS
I watched Kamen Rider Fourze and LOVED IT SO MUCH
what more? XD


HaruDoko 2010 momo dvd

my sempai is dealing with the steps already .. I guess I should too XD .. haha but really I'm too lazy to dance nowadays XD ~ haha but yeah .. some time around we'll be able to dance this ~ haha
a mix of Haru doko style 2010 and 2011 ~ It would be fun XD ...

I talked too much XD ..
haha well yeah ~ I need to deal with my reports ..
I'll go back to school on Thursday ..
Lazing around is OVER!~
haha ~~ 

-credits to the owners of the scans I used to create this post... I don't own or claim that they are mine since they're not but really thanks to those kind souls who willingly shared them ... ~

sakurada dori, cocoa otoko, ryuji kamiyama, d-boys, ryosuke ikeoka, uehara takuya, araki hirofumi, rawr, atom, ryuki takahashi, mizuta kouki, yoshihide sasaki, kousuke yonehara

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