Dear Kishimoto,
I know you meant well, my friend, but
Now, I admit I'm largely biased in this regard, and I'm probably one of a minority of people for whom this series is just not interesting (almost) at all anymore.
But, regardless, I need this off my chest, so here's the thing: I don't like Naruto (the character). Never have, really. I admit I want to hug him when he's pulling the "My childhood sucked thi----------is much, and guess what? I got over it and pulled myself up and maybe you should too, loser" shtick, but other than that I've never really found him interesting. He was repetitive, sort of an asshole, really really presumptuously insensitive (in a very unfunny way), and not intelligent in the slightest (personal preference for this one -- I'm kind of an elitist bitch about intelligence in people I'm supposed to like -- IGNORANCE IS NOT ATTRACTIVE, KAY?)
(I admit I liked Naruto versus Sasuke. I'll give you that. That made me happy beyond reason, but it isn't a possibility in a way that doesn't involve emotive angst speeches and apocalyptic monk music nowadays.)
And now? This whole "competency" thing? Even worse. Completely uninteresting. We don't have this protagonist who reminds us of the gutsy loser in each of us (plus demon) anymore. Now we've got Mr. Leet Ninja Pants, and I can't see the attraction here. Naruto now kicks ass. Ok. Are we supposed to keep identifying with him? He's succeeded so we can to? I don't know. I don't care, really. As far as I'm concerned, Naruto's lost most of the drive that made him interesting. Remember the old 'acknowledge me' thing? The problem here is that, yes, everyone HAS acknowledged you, Naruto, so shut up and go away.
Here's another shocker: I never liked Sakura much either. I liked her more than Naruto, yes, if only because I understood her better (shameless, self-deprecating fangirl that I am), and I liked what I saw of her growth. But another Tsunade we did not need. And again, this competence and self-assurance has completely lost the Sakura I originally got to know (and vaguely like).
So given all that? I can easily understand why I'm as uninterested in the current plotline as I am.
Also, I think everyone will agree that one of the greatest things about Naruto (the series) was how Kishimoto made you HURT for every character who got introduced. At one time, at least. But recently we've had the Sound Quartet who I didn't understand let alone give a damn about. We've had that guy (you know, the guy who Orochimaru took over while waiting for Sasuke, that guy) who had this bizarre explosion of exposition like we were supposed to care, but I don't think anyone DID. We've had Kimamaro who had the same odd exposition-y bits of backstory but who was really nothing more than glorified cannon fodder.
And the handling of the current plotline? Seems to be bent on belittling every character we were ever introduced to for the sake of making Sakura and Naruto all that, and I don't find it impressive in the slightest.
I don't like that they beat Kakashi without breaking a sweat.
I don't like that Kankuro had his ass handed to him NOT to outline the bond that's formed between the Sand Sibs but so that Sakura could have her magical glowing poison removal scene (which has lowered my opinion of med-nins for all ETERNITY I think -- Look! I'm a med-nin! I mix chakra about in your innards! Does this take talent? PROBABLY NOT! Oh, damn did I just rupture your kidney?).
In chapter 252, Temari has just been informed that her baby brother/leader has been kidnapped. What do they decide to expound on? How much Naruto hates Akatsuki, and how Sakura isn't as clueless as she used to be.
In chapter 253, Temari's other brother has half a day to live. What do they use the scene for? Sakura showing off, and Naruto kicking some lady's butt.
I think, once upon a time, chapter 252 and 253 would've been about Temari. In the past, Kishimoto has never had a problem with handing the narration over to whoever is the most emotionally charged in a scene, and I think it's just a horrible, horrible sign of how this manga's developed a complete lack of care for its minor characters that it DIDN'T DO THAT HERE.
Also, I think the choice to write Sasuke, who we have seen so much of the story THROUGH, out of the POVs is really jarring. It doesn't build suspense. I'm not sitting here asking myself, "What is going on with Sasuke? What's happening?" I'm sitting here thinking, "He's going to be the most retarded, typical, incomprehensible bad guy when he returns, isn't he? He's going to be Tuxedo Mask after Queen Beryl got through with him, isn't he?"
So yeah. I do hope that the introduction of Team Gai kicks the series out of this funk, but I don't have much hope at this point and that's why.