I kind of expect that those of you interested in the relevant fandoms have probably seen these, but I really just have to rec both of these vids because they are both superbly done and (especially in the second case), I have had a bad habit of obsessively re-watching over the past two days.
In this corner:
Karaoke Soul, Luther, Luther/Alice, with all the such a bad idea, just-barely-in-control, oh lord what am I doing, feeding each other's worst impulses that that entails. Creepy and dark and just the kind of vid that makes you shout WHY DO I SHIP THIS at yourself while gleefully hunkering down with popcorn to watch it again.
And in the other corner:
Children's Work, Life, Dani+Charlie, AND OH MY GOD MY FEELINGS LET ME CUT OUT MY HEART AND SHOW THEM TO YOU. One of those instances where the amazing editing and the impeccable, unbearably perfect song choice combine to make a vid so good you want to claw your own face off. Dani Reese was always my favourite thing about Life, and this vid gets her completely and in a way that manages to be really insightful and heart-wrenching about her relationship with Charlie too.
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