(no subject)

Sep 29, 2010 12:23

Quick round-up of TV I've tuned in for in the last week that I may or may not continue watching for the rest of the season! As spoiler-free as I can manage!

It looks like Castle is back and... more or less exactly like it was last season! The reality is that I'd probably forget to watch Castle a lot of the time if it wasn't for the fact that I live in a house with people who actively really enjoy it. But it's still fun! I still love Castle and his family! Beckett and her gang have also really grown on me. I kind of feel like I'd like some kind of bigger plot this season, over more than one episode, which is not romantic in nature, so that I can get invested in stuff a bit more. But, hey, Castle is Castle, and it might be best if they don't mess with that.

CBS needs to stop trying to make Alex O'Loughlin happen. But okay, it's not really like I have a lot of expectations for this show. If it turns out as something light and frothy like a USA show with pretty locales and banter and lots of Grace Park on my TV screen, I'll be happy enough. As random as it is, this show earned a lot of good will from me from having the GRACE PARK STRIPS DOWN TO HER UNDERWEAR SCENE in the pilot show that Kona, like normal women, does not match her underwear and bra colours. FINALLY.

You know Glee is back when one pretty decent episode is followed by an episode that is completely crap! When this show is good, I like it very much, which makes it so hard to quit when it is terrible the rest of the time. I get invested! And want to find out how things are going to go! But then somehting happens like ARGH LAST NIGHT'S EPISODE WHICH JUST MAKES ME GO :| :| :|. Just STOP LETTING RYAN MURPHY WRITE EPISODES, OKAY? We'll see how long I can keep watching.

I'm on the fence here! The writing was a little dumb and predictable in the premiere last night, but it zipped along, the characters seemed pretty appealing, and I do like shows with powers. I will wait and see if the cliched writing gets to me in the long run.

HNNNN. THIS SHOW. THIS SHOW. No, it's not perfect. Some of the plotlines are a little dumb. The law is wrong in ways that get to me at times. And the show seems to insist on sticking Kalinda into stupid relationships with people who have like 0.00000001% of her cool level. But still! This show! It was badass and complicated and hot and clever last night! I'm curious about the new characters and glad to see that they're keeping the same mix of legal drama/workplace drama/political drama. And they're still following Carey around, which pleases me so much! More layers! SHOW.

Not sold. Really not sold. I like the fun vibe of the show, the two leads seem great, but I really didn't enjoy that first episode? I'm going to give it another go tonight, but it was just... clumsy and stupid last week, and the dialogue mostly fell flat, and a lot of the character dynamics seemed forced. I spent 75% of the episode wishing it was a show about a married couple who run a catering business because the first few minutes were good and then the rest sort of sucked!


My biggest problem with Nikita is that I keep forgetting Nikita is on. My second biggest problem with Nikita is that the show seems to run on exposition dumps. But despite that, I kind of love this show so far? WOMEN BEING AWESOME. That's like. The show in summary there. The dudes in Nikita are mostly irrelevant, and it's just women running around being rivals and partners and outsmarting and outfighting each other and helping each other through crap periods in their life. Maggie Q! Melinda Clark! Whoever the girl who plays Alex is! Loving it.

Back and being itself, which is good 'cause I love this show. I worry that it's reaching the point where something actually has to change on the Red John case or else it will inevitably start becoming stupid and repetitive, but the show has a whole season to work on that, and I generally have faith in it! Go, go, show!

Not sure how I feel about last week's episode. I didn't really like it, but I didn't hate it either. I'm tired of shows shoehorning in a new premise at the end of a season that they plan to ditch within the first minutes of the new season, so I'm glad they didn't do that. But after two seasons of SAM AND DEAN'S COMMUNICATION ISSUES, forgive me if I am not super enthralled with the idea of another season of that. Especially given that they probably will be dumping the premise for next episode. Oh, well! I'm still in for now.


In non-TV news, I have actually finished a fic. Now the issue is deciding whether I hate it too much to ever post it ever. That happens surprisingly a lot for me! B|


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