CONFESSION: I am apparently a meme addict now. It lets me avoid thinking about the stress of my actual life, okay? Maybe some day I will have actual, like, content here again. (Which might happen sooner rather than later, actually. /eyes mostly finished fic. /eyes new canon day.)
The rules of this meme go like this! Beneath the cut are ten people I have selected who I think are very, very, very pretty. (Note: I have excluded models because that would be cheating and also because if I had models I would've made #1-5 George Barnett and #6-10 Theo Hall and then refused to let either of them lose.) Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to vote for the person you find THE LEAST attractive. The poll will be open for approximately 24 hours, and each day the person with the most votes will be eliminated until only the prettiest remains. It is an exercise in being completely and utterly shallow. How better to spend a heat wave?
Let us begin:
While I might occasionally find Tim DeKay the more attractive of the two White Collar leading men, it cannot be denied that Matt Bomer looks good in a suit and good in glasses and good in a hat and good in those damn sweatpants too.
Oh, I have been in love with Christina H. since she first appeared on Firefly. Her hair colour is my ideal and as if anything more needs to be said about her amazing figure. The best thing to come out of Mad Men is a lot of chance for her to wear period costumes, in my humble opinion.
In Hero, a movie that didn't have a whole lot of purpose except to be really, really, really pretty, Maggie Cheung was by far the most stunning, most amazing part. For that alone, she'd make this list but then she went on to model for Alexander McQueen and star in In the Mood for Love. And yeah. Gosh.
I am unapologetic about the fact that Maxxie was my favourite character on Skins. Probably a lot of that has to do with how ridiculously good-looking Mitch Hewer is. Even his new wavy hair thing is growing on me, though he'll always be a blond in my head. In the words of Allan Heinberg: "supernaturally attractive," indeed.
So essentially if someone was to ask, "Riko, what is your type?" I would just point at this guy here. Um. Basically down to the letter. Also, unlike other young, male, British actors who might have made the list, Jim Sturgess actually manages to look adorable even when not professionally groomed and not like, say, a deranged hobo with no personal hygeine who lives in a house made of pizza boxes and held together with the escaped hairs from his beard which he, on weekends, also weaves together to go fishing in the river. Um. Bonus points for Mr. Sturgess!
Oh, Damian Lewis. Master of the smile crinkles. Which made him by far the easiest cast member in Band of Brothers to identify even when they were all covered in mud and had their helmets on. Also, I have a weak spot for gingers, mmkay?
If Jim Sturgess personifies my male type than Rachel Weisz is it for my female type. I HAVE A WEIRD NUMBER OF BRITISH PEOPLE ON THIS LIST, DON'T I? /quickly adds more Canadians
Part of me feels like I'm being somewhat disingenious by having Tahmoh Penikett on this list when it might be more accurate for me to put Tahmoh Penikett's arms. But then I kind of tilt my head to the other side and look at the rest of the picture and I'm like "No, no. I'm good like this."
The scenester option. I can never decide which PWolf I like best: red-haired day-glo raver kid, dark-haired knee-sock schoolboy, or blond magical half-unicorn dude. If he sticks around long enough, I will probably manage to picspam all three.
Lisa Ray is ridic beautiful and classy. As things turn out, she's also ridiculously talented and eloquent and intelligent and like a thousand other characteristics that this meme is not supposed to be about as it is SHALLOW SHALLOW SHALLOW. It bears saying anyway. She's straight-up lovely all around and always will be.