Oct 21, 2005 23:14
Anyways I haven't updated in a long time so I decide I shall. Anyways nothing too interesting has happened except having an awesome time with my friends and my boyfriend. I saw Advent Children and loved it! I am getting cloves soon and am very excited to try them since I never have had one before. I am working on beating FFX currently and it is going successfully. Next I might do Legend of Dragoon or FF9. I am excited about Halloween because I will most likely go out with some friends all dressed up and shit. I am now Lena's mother along with Alex who is Lena's other mother, and lastly Chris is Lena's stepdad and so is Zack. Amusing no? Chibi is over with my sister so my sister is in a good mood. She got her bellybutton pierced and me and her boyfriend Derrick scared her the entire ride to the piercing place. She almost chickened out. I have a shitload of homework but I am trying not to think about that currently. I might go over Billy's Sunday or maybe not since he has a shitload of homework aswell. I had the amusing sexual inuendo drinks over Chris's which tasted good. Nothing else that is very interesting or can be explained easily has happened lately but overall I am good and excited.