Deline Readers' Choice Awards...Results!

Aug 06, 2010 22:43

Well, I meant to do this almost a week ago, but better late than never, right? It's time to announce the results of the poll from here! There was plenty of time to vote, as I only just closed it a minute ago, so hopefully you did!

Favorite Heir

That lovable druggie, Gen 4's Naomi!

Favorite Spouse

She had a bit of an advantage, being a Gen 2 spare and all, but Gen 8's spouse, Leia won the poll. Genesis was a close second.

Favorite Gen 2 Spare

Leia seems to be well-loved all around, doesn't she?

Favorite Gen 3 Spare

Chloe, who lost out at heirship mainly because she had the same face as her mother (and twin).

Favorite Gen 4 Spare

Clover was awesome, but since she did lose out to favorite heir, Naomi, that explains why she didn't get the title herself. How could she compete with the best?

Favorite Gen 5 Spare

Libby was the only Gen 5 spare, though that doesn't make her any less awesome, really, does it?

Favorite Gen 6 Spare


Favorite Gen 7 Spare

Rissy...look guys, the Deline family had a hell of a lot of girl children. I'm sure someone's favorite something will be male eventually!

Favorite Gen 8 Spare
This was a TIE. A very STRONG tie, between:




Finally, a dude~

Favorite Gen 9 Spare

Won after a very close poll by one vote, it's Aurora! Dirk and Perseid tied for second.

Favorite Gen 10 Spare

Nevaeh. Ever since her mother named her something stupid, I knew she was going places.

Hottest Male

Erik squeaked by with the equivalent of half a vote lead, because someone voted for two people!

Very closely in second was Dominick.

Hottest Female



and Nevaeh.

Ugliest Male

Dirk. I'm surprised, I would've thought the crown would've gone to Christian or Patrick first.

Ugliest Female
No one got more than one vote here!

Favorite Side Character
Decently well-voted tie between...


...and Gotherella!

Favorite Moment
I treat this a little differently than the others and show all the responses.

Unlike with the Laurinces, though, one moment actually won among the others...I had to try and find the perfect picture that epitomized everything...

"Pretty much every time Naomi and Ratna were high", "Naomi's druggie shenanigans"

And the rest...

Marta, with the first marriage that would be considered illegal in California (until the stay is lifted, anyway).

Leia marrying back into the family. (I almost used the college kegstand shot for this, instead. XD)

Nevaeh and Demon Cop, together in one iteration of reality.


Look, sir. I didn't want to embarrass you, but since it keeps might want to check on the waistband of your pants.

Why? What's wrong with them? I'm comfortable this way!

I'll have to ask you to leave, then. You're exposing CHEEK!

Greatest Generation

Generation 10

Was it the feeling of accomplishment at the end? Was it the totally bisexual merge with the Laurince legacy? Was it the barely-restrained first cousin incest? Who knows, but you all voted Generation 10 as the Greatest Generation!

Wow. Well, this is the end! I've only got a couple of sims left to upload (someone wanted Catalina), and that's about it for everything and everybody. Not that the Deline line (hee) isn't continuing--Laurince Gen 15 is Deline Gen 11, just with a shorter title. In true Deline fashion, Noelle has given birth to a generation of five girls, which includes two sets of twins. *headdesk*

I hope you all had as much fun as I did! Bork update to process and post next!

deline legacy, generation 10, reader's choice awards

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