When I saw
these blends by Aquilegia, I really liked them. I was also happy to see that the S4 was fairly light, not because I hate dark sims (much the opposite), but because I have been using Lyran's defaults for years, which are close to Maxis's, and therefore a little on the light end. Which has made my genetic scale skewed a bit.
The defaults themselves weren't perfect. The S1 was a bit yellow for an S1, in my opinion, and I am not a fan of mixed/dependent defaults. Repeating skins in my downloads and my defaults is a silly idea.
So, even though I am currently undecided if I am going to use these defaults myself or go running back to Lyran like I always do, I present you all with the packages I made! :D :D
I took the Bloom shade, which is one of a set of two that were blended even further, because I like a bit of a pinky tone to my palefaces--less pigment means more blood showing through the skin after all--and I kept the others the same.
These are all your run-of-the-mill, stand-alone default packages. I did all the SimPE hocus-pocus to make the ages share the textures they were sharing in the original skin files: teens sharing adult textures, elder fit-normal the same, child-adult faces the same (unisex), elder faces of both genders the same, everyone shares the same scalp texture. I am telling you this in case you ever wanted to make reduced texture defaults, you can start from here as a base! (Likewise, if you're defaulting a skin with MORE unique textures, you know to go get the complete empty templates from MTS and not use these!)
If you want to compare the girls' skins to Lyran/Maxis, they are my
hair models. Handy, ain't it, having a group of four girls with all the skintones, hair colors, and four of the default eyes? ;)
All four skins together run about 17MB compressorized. Remember, only one set of defaults in your game at one time, etc, etc, and...enjoy?
Download Here