Last time, Kati made a last (first?) ditch attempt to win the approval of her Family sim father by trying to have the first child of generation 8. Unfortunately, Marta figured out the magic science behind artificial insemenation and had her first child gestating mere hours after her sister. Cassidy aged to elder and didn't take it particularly well. Kati continued her quest to date EVERYONE. Zion also aged to elder. Marta and Laci had a wedding, ensuring that their offspring won't be bastards. Kati had her first child, a girl named Paige. Soon after, Marta had her first, a BOY named Tem. Laci went through two careers and a home business in quest of her LTW of making 100 grand. Which meant that Marta got to carry their second child. Soon after, Kati was also pregnant with her second, and Laci was attempt to sell the gifts left by the second baby-daddy. Paige and Tem grew up well, into children, then toddlers toddlers, then children. (Left my typo there for YOUR lulz.) Marta's second child was born, another boy, Karl.
So I mentioned that I had not ended poor Zuri's pregnancy last update. That's where we'll start this time around.
Rissy was visiting, and of course, she lives with her twin and her boyfriend.
Of course it's a boy, suddenly the Delines are producing a lot of them. His name is Blane.
He had a happy (if short) babyhood...
...and is now a toddler. He'll probably be aged up to a child before NEXT update, so don't look for him to come along on the school bus just yet.
I forgot that I was testing tattoo boxes on EVERYONE. HA NIPPLE STAR TATTOOS.
Back on the main lot, Kati is tipping the gardener for obvious reasons, while Cassidy is perturbed that her daughter is letting a much better catch walk on by. Sorry, but she already had a date with dreads guy!
All it takes to get this gardener to quit working is $10. They must normally underpay.
He then tries to wow Kati with the woes of overpopulation. That's not the best way to schmooze a member of a set of quadruplets.
Paige brought this girl home from school. Who'd rather shop for hottubs than play with her friend, I see.
Cassidy, never one to let opportunity pass her by, tells her about the treated wood the deck is made of and how many whirlpool jets the thing contains.
Have fun playing with your "water wiggler" thing. I'm grown-up now and have a hottub.
Boy, will she be in for a rude awakening when she realizes that kids can't use hottubs!
As you can see, Cass can barely get the money in the drawer fast enough. They obviously don't have a return policy.
Anyway, you're never too grown up for the water wiggler! ...though I don't know about that bikini.
That's more age appropriate.
That's no fun.
Sorry, I don't want to see old woman underboob. :( :(
Marta knows that it's very important to teach good study habits.
With Kati exhausted from pregnancy and the grandparents doing the obvious, Marta decides to help out her niece as well.
I knew we couldn't get through a whole generation without twins!
Will you hold this one so I can have another?
Wow, you'd think I'd have had multiples with the in vitro and all...
Okay, we have a boy with tan skin, Zion's eyes, and brown hair. Erik.
Aaaaand ANOTHER BOY with medium-dark skin, brown hair, and...apparently his father's eyes were actually deleted. Which means his eyes will be whatever 2-valued eye I want it to be when I boot up SimPE. His name is Christian.
Sometimes, you wonder how a kid is related to their parent. Other times, it's ridiculously obvious. I honestly think Paige doesn't like anything in specific that much, she just likes to make that face.
Though, the puddle jumping she gets from her grandmother, if anyone.
Tem is really quiet and serious and paints all the time. Just like his mother Marta.
Speaking of Marta, her LTW job finally popped up!
This LTW wouldn't take so long to accomplish if 1/10 of these purchased dates didn't glitch out and NOT actually start.
It's Karl's birthday!
Let's see if I can get through this update without mixing him up with Erik. Something about the Ks in the names is doing me in.
Damn, he looks a LOT like Laci to me. I hope it's just the eyebrows, because I can't heir a face-clone.
1450 is not all that much in the scheme of things. :/
What on earth does Kati have to do with whatever is keeping you from getting along?
Only one more promotion to go! It'll be over soon, and I bet you'll be the first perma-plat.
The cousins who are almost twins are on hand to watch the birthday of the actual twins.
And Christian, who looks a hell of a lot like his father. Damn.
Three toddlers. EEEEEP.
Paige is not happy with her alarm clock. It goes off.
Tem's not exactly a morning person, either...
...but jumping on his grandparents' bed seems to cheer him up enough.
Kati gets set up on a date with one of the ugliest spawned townies I've had in game.
Zion's pretty boring, but he is a great grandfather. He's just pretty boring, unfortunately.
So, I don't know if it's because the greenhouse is attached to the shop, or if it's just because there is an owned business on the lot, period, but all the produce that gets picked ends up in Laci's inventory. Which is handy once I realized it. Now, the only thing I'm unsure about is if all of the shop's profits count towards Laci's LTW or only the transactions she rings up. Because Cassidy got a monetary want fulfilled by being cashier. :/
What are you doing, honey?
Reading up on sterilization procedures. It's hard to get good results in your runs if you have contamination somewhere!
LTW here we come!
See, I told you so! :P
Paige wanted to play with Karl. She only had teasing available to her, though. And she looks so CHEERY, it must be a ruse.
You should definitely go for this lovely helicopter painting, it was done by my uber-talented son Tem!
Some of Marta's have gone for $700, but Tem's only brought in about $70.
Done with the potty, Karl? Good.
Because you'll have to use the big toilet from now on!
He is definitely CUTE.
And he gets along with his brother, which is always a good thing!
He's not an instant hit with the fish, though. That face! >:|
I bet those boots come from all of the luggage that gets lost by the airlines!
I figure I can entice some of my townies into voluntary makeovers...
Laci is an instant pro. I don't usually have success with my first attempts at this.
I'm glad that this is Kati's LTW date! Because she's really cool looking and there will be a 4/5 shot at a male heir this generation.
Kati is so hardcore, that this date occurred IN HAIL.
(...I had to.)
You would think, of all the rooms in this big house, that the kids wouldn't necessarily congregate in the library like this.
Laci and Marta being the parents they are, wanted private school. I think they secretly knew that my game was going to generate the HOTTEST HEADMASTER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER once they phoned.
(No makeover on my part, he rolled up looking like THAT.)
Paige quickly lets HHHE know that her brothers are going to be old enough to attend school in the next couple of minutes.
Erik, with his poncey shirt and awesome puffhawk juxtaposition.
Christian, showing off his new eyes (yes, I fixed Erik's recessive genetics, too), and the fact that he has his father's face. :/
Don't know why the adults all think Christian's going to ruin the tour, HHHE is very pleased!
I know we may not appear to be the most conventional family out there, but rest assured, that we take the education of our children very seriously.
I know Kati's a Pleasure sim, but as one of my least substance-abusing ones, her sister is getting in an awful lot of good parent points compared to her.
ONE schmooze from Laci was all that it took. Now, I'm not calling HHHE shallow (that would be hypocritical), but I think it had something to do with the bikini.
We won't be needing those drinks tonight, Marta.
Ditto on the espresso...but I'm glad you two pitched in for this.
I think Kati's kids will keep Marta's from being too serious.
Karl's just so serene looking, I'm imagining him calming everyone in a room down.
Christian got him to play ball in the rain, though! (And I see that even though I carefully framed my screenshot to catch the ball, I stupidly cropped it out later. DUHR.
Bye dad, I'm surely not doing crazy experiments just for the sake of doing them. I LOVE SCIENCE.
...have a good night at work, honey.
Yes, it's raining, Erik...
...but I don't know how you can look out THOSE windows and tell.
Gotta love the classy elders.
Mm...I am not surprised that a date with the gardener left us with a plant for a date gift.
So then I got promoted and now I get to run a full lab with one of those scary electrical switches and I can cackle "AH HA HA it's alive!" and my life is awesome!
I imagine that Kati's getting bored of her
mealtime conversations with Marta.
Hey, I can imagine that Marta's got about as bad of a poker face as you do, Kati. You might actually win.
I guess school is school when you're a seven-year-old boy.
Promotion bonuses are still bringing in a lot more money than that business.
Erik...actually is excited he did his homework. Not about his sister's birthday.
Oh no...Paige, you are very unique and gorgeous. But you are a girl. I have had a girl heir every generation since Dominick. And I have so many cute female townies!
Luckily Tem is pretty unique and gorgeous in his own right.
I get this career LTW less often than...
...this one, though. And I don't know about family come no one ever rolls Grilled Cheese? IT'S IN MY DICE PROGRAM.
Paige must have heard some of my ranting, so she's into girls. Obviously because I want to get my claws into some of the hot female townie action (besides Laci).
You totally need a $7,000 stereo!
Now that you have one, you have to get at least one more. You're not going to want to go from an awesome stereo in one room to a cheapo one in another. Your ears will thank you!
I realized that I made about 1900 in profit off of a stereo, as compared to a couple bucks on some of the piddly crap. Expensive stereos for EVERYONE!
Paige should be a hit at parties. All fun...
I'm hoping this little studious kiddo has a bit of Marta in him. Because I do love his looks.
We have to end the update on something, so let's look at our happy and positive elders. Grandkids all self-sufficient, so they can hang around and cater to their own whims for once.
I wasn't kidding about slamming through updates. :P This is actually less picture dense than normal for a given amount of time, but that's mainly since Kati was dating so constantly, and Laci and Cassidy were working the shop. Not interesting until you sell a hottub to a grade schooler.
Updated the
family tree to add Gen 7. I hope I don't regret it if I need a certain configuration once Gen 8 is of age.
Randolphs next. I just have to write the update, actually, pics are done. :P